View Full Version : Bye Pedro: Special Message For You

06-08-2022, 06:36 PM
Keep yelling and screaming as long as you need.

Your on your own now.

All the best.

~ Ponder.

PS - Thank you. The new space is so much more inspiring.

06-08-2022, 08:02 PM
Hey retard,

6,822 posts and nobody gave a shit about your pathetic day-to-day activities at all. How does it feel to realize you wasted countless hours of your life writing shit nobody will ever read or care about? Take your little bike and drive yourself off a cliff, cunt. This place has turned into a steaming pile of shit thanks to the efforts of only a few trolls.

We won. You lost. So, fuck off and never come back. You're not welcome here, faggot.

06-08-2022, 09:13 PM
Just to set that record straight, It's not about what others think. That said I have had many good a conversation with more than enough genuine people. Many of whom have PMed to share their disappointment in how you have crashed the forum. The multiple personality disorder that you so clearly act out reflects how you think about yourself/s. I'm am dealing with what is in a much more appropriate way. I think it's pretty clear you are not. You are simply toxic to be around - The forum no longer exists and there is clearly no *we*. That's all in your head/s. You really need to deal with that for you own sake.

Good luck.

06-09-2022, 05:17 AM
Literally nobody cares because you're a fucking loser. Shut your mouth and get the fuck out of here.

06-09-2022, 01:37 PM
I've already left. What you obviously don't seem to realise is that there is nobody here. You pushed them all away with your spamming, offensive images and general well being. This forum now only consists of just you, yourself and all your other user names. All of which have with the exact same negative energy that you keep inflicting upon yourself. That's the point Pedro. Your in denial and troll yourself because of the your own internal pain which you and your figments continually express in pristine bitterness, hatred and despair.

Again, Your last message indicates your in denial thinking that there are other forum users here? Your just talking to yourself like a lost and desperate homeless person. It's quite sad really. But don't worry, I'll stick around to help as long as you keep replying.

With regards to your previous post ... what is it exactly that you have won? I can genuinely say I have lost nothing but only gained a fresh perspective in a space free from conflict; except that which I allow myself to inflict upon ... myself. I fail to see what you have won?

Like when I first came here I used to react like you. Perhaps with a little more tact but amounted to the same thing. All those thousands of posts I made, actually helped me to adopt a much more healthier approach and accept that which I was denying. That being myself and all that I was clinging to.

Let's discuss this shall we? Your denial, all that pain to which like I was, you also now clearly clinging too.

Or are you just going to continually post about how badly your are done by and keep screaming derogative words and images? Come on Pedro ... it's time to grow up don't you think?

06-09-2022, 03:52 PM
I've already left.

Doesn't look like it! By the way, I didn't read anything beyond that first sentence because it's just another wall of pointless text.


06-09-2022, 04:01 PM
Oh I have indeed left. My Journal is now some place else.

I am just in discussion with yourself to which by your own admission are clearly ignoring as it pains you to hear the truth.

In this I have told you that I will keep you honest despite your attempts with such child like responses.

06-09-2022, 04:08 PM

06-09-2022, 05:41 PM
I'm glad you agree. Looks like we are done?