View Full Version : All it takes is ignoring 10 user names
05-16-2022, 06:37 AM
Whilst there will still be a trail of damage, it kind of cleaned up the side bar for me. Continued outbursts are no longer a problem as I now only see, what I choose to see. Not sure why I am bothering but will see where it leads.
05-16-2022, 11:31 AM
Things must be bad if he's coming back here.
05-16-2022, 02:54 PM
I think there might be value in sharing with you that there have been a number of members express their disappointment in PM conveying that they often come here when feeling down. It's not just about me or you. This forum is considered by more than a few one of the rare spaces online that some felt safe and secure, where they could reach out; despite the low traffic this space is well known for. The magic in this forum is not about the level of interaction. What makes this space special is the freedom you have so blatantly abused.
What you have done and are doing regardless of your intentions and obvious pain, to which I sympathize, is take away from others in your quest to feed what I sense is the shame and blame we all struggle with. That said, you know better the source of those details more than I. However the impact your having whilst unfortunate, is imo much more damaging for yourself than it is for others.
There reason I come and go here as I am known to do, is because the level of deception as I experience it in mainstream moderated forums, is that the amount of control sort by those caught up in the industrialized nature of mental health is something I consider more confining, and in the case here → more hindering than the way you shed your pain in here. Here I can both utilize and advocate the forum's ignore feature. Please know this is not done with any malice as I feel none towards you whatsoever. Whilst I sympathize, I now respond like so in a genuine effort which goes beyond sympathy, but just to let you and others know from my own point of view why I have come back here despite what you may think is controlling others.
I've also been requested to come back. I like the member very much that put in this request so am pleased that I was asked by them and so in some way it is out of respect despite my own short comings very similar to yours in varioius ways that I perhaps am trying to make up. Not that it was ever really a major issues between us. Just another opportunity is all.
It's not so bad here once you work out which users to ignore. Such a feature is not for arrogance but simply a way in which each member can choose what they see and do not see on their screens; in the event they decide they see something worth seeing.
If I could assume of others without doing so in a negative way, or in an attempt not to make it all about me; loneliness and Isolation is a pain that many of us share. It's not a case of things being good or bad but more so such knowing that pain and finding a space in which we feel more able to allow it.
I actually feel that suffering more in the other forums than I do here; regardless of what you think you are doing to this forum. Whilst I don't know the dynamics of and or the root causes of your own pain, I do understand the pain itself that you are so obviously struggling with. As such it is in that understanding that I find you much less problematic than having to deal with others in the other forums. I like the peace this place offers me. Perhaps one day I will no longer have to use said forum feature but for now I do so as to offer something else to those I know who would at the very least ... like to see this place remain accessible.
I just respond to you when I feel it is in both our interests and that of anyone else who may or may not be reading.
At least if there is more than one of us here, this place can again present a unique opportunity in the way those few previously have experienced it.
You deal with what you must as you must and I will do the same on my end. We all push and pull people away. We connect and then disconnect. As long as we are still breathing there is always a chance that we can work on those connections because at the end of the day I really do that for most us despite different world views, that we indeed live on the same rock and what one does affects that rest whether we like it or not. Loneliness & Isolation is what my intuition is what tells me is a world problem and thus be the context of why I keep reaching as I do. I often try as best I can with myself. I think my many attempts with genuine self reflection are kind of evident enough. At least for me. But connection with others is something that is really problematic in this world the way it be. That I think more about later but more so the point in what I think ails most of us.
Here I am much more able to console myself. I know that much and I try to do it in a way that offers something rather than takes. Try being the optimal word.
I hope things do improve in a way the eases you pain. Do what you think you need to do. In some ways I am thankful for what has transpired. I now know this space has much more staying power than what I though was ever possible. Let's just try and make the most out as best we can. In that I feel we can both be thankful.
05-16-2022, 04:05 PM
You're a fucking aspie that lives in a shoe box, you stupid faggot. Jesus Fucking Christ... Nobody wants to read your incomprehensible walls of text. You're like one of those people they throw in a padded white room who would stick essays all over his cell. You wouldn't even learn your lesson after the guards beat your ass.
Go choke on a horse's dick and get lost, faggot.
05-16-2022, 05:17 PM
I really do hope you find whatever space you are looking for, but I would posit that this is not it.
I strongly suggest you create your own space, that you can control as you see fit, rather than sinking more of your efforts into this cursed space. I know you have tried that path before, but I think you maybe threw in the towel on it a little too soon.
Like an abandoned hospital, whatever refuge this place once offered you does not mitigate the fact that it it is now a place of hazard, and ignoring the hazard does not make it go away.
You decry moderation in mental health forums, but the rules are usually well intentioned, and there to protect you as well as to protect the other posters.
You don't always realise quite how much information you give away about yourself, and not all visitors to this space are as focused in their activity, nor as benign towards you here as I am, as you may have already noticed.
A comment leads to a photo, leads to an email address, leads to a real name, leads to a house... and some of the belligerent parties here are not beyond using that sort of information. And once all this sort of thing spills out into the real world it comes with a whole new level of potential distress. That is, after all, if you'd been paying attention exactly why all this is happening here.
It's not all blue skies and little fluffy clouds. (
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