View Full Version : We are laughing at you, James Berich...
The Scottish Pedro
04-26-2022, 03:11 PM
Not available
04-27-2022, 01:05 PM
I like to do it privately, though.
Can't sign up to have a look, so just gonna have to stay in suspense.
Poor little baby - oh!
That was predictably funny, wasn't it?
A lot of people have not bothered to reply. The OP initially proved he cannot figure out boundaries with care workers, which are pretty clear-cut as far as sexual harassment, such that they were only assigned male care workers from his [initial] care worker provider. Instead of proactively working to learn these boundaries of interacting with women care workers by rote - which is something a person with autism can choose to do - the OP choose instead to whine and blame the rest of the world for being unfair, even going so far as an incel argument that he is somehow entitled to female companionship as a basic need (for existing? Who knows). He has also demonstrated through further negative interactions with women - and social interactions in general - that even with this pattern, he is not able to figure out that he is the common factor and thus root of the problem.
Might have helped if Smeagol had bothered to google what INTJ meant, before wading in and acting its usual fuckwit self, eh? ixefpagrwdh5&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
04-27-2022, 10:49 PM
He's afraid of accepting the fact that what he did was wrong and it makes him a bad person. You're guilty of those crimes and you fucking know it. You should be ashamed of yourself.
04-28-2022, 06:49 AM
He's afraid of accepting the fact that what he did was wrong and it makes him a bad person. You're guilty of those crimes and you fucking know it. You should be ashamed of yourself.
04-28-2022, 02:20 PM
He's afraid of accepting the fact that what he did was wrong and it makes him a bad person. You're guilty of those crimes and you fucking know it. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Yes, not only has it not shown 'personal' growth, it has actually regressed: At least initially it had some glimmer of a possibility that it might have done something wrong, but now it's in full denial. ef11dd3404d4&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
Now, given the options of accepting there being something wrong with Peter, or else there being something wrong with absolutely everyone else in the entire world, it seems to have decided on the latter.
04-28-2022, 04:22 PM
It's not even like it can claim it was unaware of the boundaries it was crossing, or that its advances were clearly unwanted - it said as much beforehand (and that's before you get to the actual assaults, harassment, stalking, and indecent communications). But Peter went ahead anyway. Because it's a nasty narcissistic cunt.
Peter A
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 20
What can I do to make my support worker proud of me? (
December 26, 2013, 12:49 PM
Only one waste-of-time girlfriend in my life later and I'm a nervous wreck. I have autism and so it's hard to just go outside to interact with people, although everybody must do it (unless you are a hermit, but my discomfort isn't that extreme).
The current issue I have is I fancy my support worker - Sara. She is Spanish. Spanish women are hot. You must surely know this. She only knows me because she looks after me because I have autism and she's not shy about reminding me that this is the only reason she even knows I'm on Earth.
In all seriousness though, I was giving a telling off from her for sending a text to her calling her a petal one week there. She knows one other female got removed from my support team for something not too dissimilar. It's not appropriate at all to want to date support personnel and they see flirting as crossing boundaries. We only have a working relationship, this lady and I. And while she cares about me, she doesn't physically love me and most likely never, ever will. However, I kind of fancy her a lot and when I am with her, and our shift finishes, I feel lonesome again. I even think that I'd have to kill myself because she nor anybody else would ever want me. She knows I'm lonely and other people notice it too, especially if you go on and on about that person when others are with you regularly. Like there was a former female helper from a few years ago and all I seemed to do was ramble about how great she was, which gets people thinking you immediately must fancy her.
Sara says I need to go out to meet people, even if it makes me feel anxious. But I think support workers will try to stay in the background and let me do all the talking when this does transpire. Also, I asked her if we could be friends even if she left, but she said she didn't know. She told me that she'll maybe go to South America one day, but not for at least a few more years. I know, however, she'll not ever go out with me. I don't like it. That's all. She already told me that even if she left, she'd never get involved with a client from a previous place of employment. What's worse is she even once went with me to get treated for warts at a sexual health clinic after I used escorts for sexual favors. Although it's her job to look after me and support me, that actually embarrasses me because I feel like I settled for 'second best' (dirty hookers) and now I fancy the very person who supports me.
When we went up a hill earlier today to see if I could be less afraid, I felt a bit jittery because I'm not a fan of heights. So since I have myopia, I simply thought removing my glasses may take the awkward feelings away. Then she demanded I put them back on or she was leaving, because she said I have them for a reason. I really think she's acting firm in order to partly make me braver but also so I become less attached to her. If I put my arm around her again like I tried to already, she'll grass on me over it and then she'll no longer work with me. That's not made up. It's factual.
I make subtle hints that we can do this and that when I feel like it, but she usually says something like 'you can do that with your other support workers, too' because she knows I'm attached to her and the other night on Christmas Eve, we watched a movie in the staff flat. Nobody else was present and she sat a safe distance away from me, making out she had to stretch her legs. So somehow, I think she's trying to make me get a social life to not only benefit me, but to make me 'forget' about her.
What do you think of all this then? I have no chance of getting with her and surely I know this already, but I feel low when I am around her. Part of me wants to be less of a chicken and impress her by doing what is asked of me, but my real motivation stems from doing things simply to make her go 'wow' at me and maybe one day, she will know how much I'm right to love her, although this is my mind saying that. To my credit, I've joined some free dating sites and messaged a few people on them, but nobody responds and I can bet it's because they think I'm not attractive. I've also been to a few dating events in town and they're all rubbish. So because of this, I feel isolated and I actually was considering giving up.
Tags: None
04-28-2022, 05:23 PM
James, why do you keep signing in with different accounts and trolling by replying to yourself?
That's stupid.
Anyway, you're going to be in trouble very soon, but I cannot say any more than that.
The poor benighted wankbadger still can't get its head around the facts that I am not James, and only use one account on this site. It's almost as if it was going for the award for the most ridiculously unaware cockcheese on the internet. orklq6410rt7&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
04-28-2022, 05:58 PM
We know that's more bullshit.
Peter being wrong never stops being funny. 5txgpagx7exc&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
I'm genuinely curious, when Peter goes to the STI clinic to get its genital warts removed; how do the staff know which bit to throw in the clinical waste bin, and which bit to discharge?
I mean, Peter is almost indistinguishable in both looks and odour from Tania's blue waffle.
04-29-2022, 12:46 AM
We know that's more bullshit.
Fact: There's multiple people trolling you here, dipshit. For example, do you not notice the distinct writing and formatting styles between myself, Thesaunderschild, and PeterAndersonIsARacist? Aren't autistic people supposed to be detail-oriented?
04-29-2022, 08:43 AM
Fact: There's multiple people trolling you here, dipshit. For example, do you not notice the distinct writing and formatting styles between myself, Thesaunderschild, and PeterAndersonIsARacist? Aren't autistic people supposed to be detail-oriented?
Never underestimate the stupidity Peter is capable of.
Why do you think it likes those old games so much - it's almost certainly because the limitations of the day led to very simple character behaviour models, which is about all its tiny mind can deal with.
Also, it isn't autistic. It has PDD-NOS - which is basically "you're not autistic but we'll stick you in with the aspies because you have some of the same behavioural issues and it allows us to streamline our care provision". Peter gets pretty short shrift on the autism support boards because its default defence of hiding behind autism doesn't work at all there.
04-29-2022, 10:42 AM
Well, he most certainly is a retard. That's why he collects those retards checks.
05-02-2022, 02:38 PM
I like to do it privately, though.
Can't sign up to have a look, so just gonna have to stay in suspense.
Poor little baby - oh!
How's that working out for Peter, do we think?
I got banned on today (, but I don't consider it a big loss. They were just piss takers on there anyway.
Online, people will do that.
I suppose getting banned is the closest thing Peter has to a talent.
05-02-2022, 07:37 PM
05-03-2022, 06:16 AM
You should have wrote "nobody."
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