View Full Version : life is now - simple key to our problems

12-11-2008, 02:33 PM
"Life is now.
Life exists only in the present moment of time.
Thoughts that are oriented toward
the past and future only serve to
restrict the animating current that is available
to vitalize your expression"

Not sure who wrote this first, but when you'll believe in this obvious truth
you cannot have problems with anxiety. Seems to work for me recently.

12-11-2008, 02:48 PM
Yeah I can recommend a great book about this very subject. Try "The Power of Now" by a chap called Eckhart Tolle.

Punk Rock Steve
12-14-2008, 10:11 PM
A more crude version that I've heard several times at some meetings I go to...."If you have one foot in the past, and one in the future, then you're probably pissing on today" 'Nuff said!