View Full Version : Dizzy Dreams...

12-10-2008, 06:14 PM
I continuously have dreams where I become dizzy and disorientated. It's the same feeling you experience after being spun around in circles a bunch of times and then you try to walk in a straight line.

Sometimes it happens when being chased in my dreams and other times it can happen even when having a simple harmless happy dream. I'm going about my business in my dream and then suddenly I lose my balance becoming dizzy and regardless of trying to gain control of my body and balance, I'm doomed and often in the dream I fear getting hurt as I can't manage to control my movements. I'm like a staggering drunk in the dream. I eventually wake up from the dream filled with frustration from not being able to overcome this ridiculous Dizzy Spell while dreaming.

Could this be an anxiety attack or symptoms caused by my anxiety?
I searched the net but couldn't find any information regarding these dreams occurring or being related to Anxiety. I did find that people who had been diagnosed with MS or Inner Ear problems had similar experiences while sleeping however, when these people woke up they realised they in fact were experiencing a "Dizzy" spell.

The big difference between them and I, they wake up "Dizzy". When I wake up I'm not. Instead I'm simply frustrated that I keep having this same ridiculous dream. I believe my "Dizzy" dreams are related to anxiety and the feeling of being overwhelmed or out of control on a subconscious level. Perhaps these dreams are simply just bad dreams and mean nothing at all.

I guess I'm really just trying to figure out if any one else suffering from Anxiety Disorders have or are experiencing similar dreams.

12-10-2008, 08:24 PM
I wish I could give you something to help you know whats wrong, but I am having the same problem.. tho slightly different..

I have had full blown panic attacks in my dream and have woken up in the middle of hypervenalating and i'll be shaking and crying and it's so hard to come back to normal.. I also have dreams that I always forget to go to one of my classes and I'm always so confused and dizzy in my dream and feel so much anxiety because I know i'm going to fail but I don't understand how I could always forget about my class.

I know it doesn't help, but I felt like putting it out there

12-14-2008, 10:51 AM
Probably won't be too much literature out there on this one...it sounds like a rare/unique condition. What I think it might be is your mind trying to work out its anxiety issues that are too stressful to confront during the day, and instead it attempts to work out these issues at night. It doesn't sound like anything to worry about, although it certainly seems as though it is stressful. I would keep working at reducing your anxiety level, and would imagine that eventually as you improve at managing your anxiety while conscious, these dreams will reduce in frequency/intensity, and ultimately cease entirely.