View Full Version : Bruce Willis

The Scottish Pedro
04-11-2022, 03:54 PM
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04-11-2022, 04:08 PM
A bit sad he has retired from movies, following his recent health scare.

Never be another action star quite like Bruce Willis.

Brain injuries suck!

Yeah what happened? Mum was going on about it. Did he have an accident or just developed a brain problem?

04-11-2022, 04:55 PM
Seems as though he developed the aphasia, but maybe he had a stroke or fall that he hasn't told people about. He was badass in Die Hard.

He was badass in Pulp Fiction!!


04-11-2022, 05:03 PM
I'll have to read about him now. He was a good actor.. Such a "man's man".

He's 67 and yeah, diagnosed with Aphasia. How horrible :(

"Aphasia is the full or partial loss of the ability to use or understand language; about 350,000 people in the UK have it. Most of those have had a stroke, but it can be caused by a brain tumour, a head injury, multiple sclerosis or other neurological conditions."

04-11-2022, 06:20 PM
somehow I lost interest in the hollywood assholes.........

04-12-2022, 09:34 AM
A much better actor than you will ever be. How's your "acting" career going for ya!? Can't get parts in films because of that criminal record, huh? Did he tell you about the spats he got into with local actors in Edinburgh? No wonder he is black-balled.

03-16-2024, 07:10 AM
Nearly two years after Bruce Willis' family announced that he was diagnosed with aphasia, his family now says his “condition has progressed” to a much more serious condition called frontotemporal dementia.

In an interview with TODAY in September, Bruce Willis' wife, Heming Willis, said the diagnosis has been hard on him and his family.

“Dementia is hard... it’s hard on the person diagnosed, it’s also hard on the family. And that is no different for Bruce, or myself, or our girls," Heming Willis told TODAY.
Emma Heming Willis is giving an update on her husband Bruce Willis.

In a statement shared earlier this year, the 67-year-old actor's family explained that his condition evolved to frontotemporal dementia.

Grace Saunders
07-30-2024, 11:24 AM
Yeah, well I was supposed to be in a film with him but my foreskin got in the way.