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12-10-2008, 01:16 PM
Ok here is by background let me know what you guys think because this is ruining my life...Im 21 years old I work in Corrections...It all started back in 05 when I was bowling felt very hyper that day for some reason or the other. I threw the ball down the lane when my heart just went crazy..I looked down at my chest to see my shirt actually moving from the rapid heart rate. I freaked, walked over to a man that worked there and told him to call a ambulance in which he did. When the ambulance arrived my heart rate was coming back down..they advised me it was back around normal limits to just go visit the doctor. I visted the doc and they said well your normal goodbye. A year goes by life was back to normal and great..when one morning I woke up felt weird with a fast heart rate again...ok by now this was annoying me and scary. I let it go 1 hour turned into 2 tryed driving around to calm down didnt work, went back home to find I was getting no better with the rapid heart rate and began to get dizzy and light headed ran to the phone called the ambulance. Ambulance came hooked me up to the monitor and my hr was 170's. I was not only freaked because of this now but they told me I have to take a ride to the hospital (for some reason I am totally nervious and scared of hospitals and ambulances now though I was a firefighter at the time, no longer firefighter any more because of my attacks) During these "attacks" I get very weak feeling. Went to the hospital watched me for a few hours and released me saying it was tachy. After this episode i was refered to a cardiologist. Went to the cardiologist did the holter monitors stress test, whole nine yards...nothing found, he advised that it "could possibly" be anxiety. Went to GP doctor, told him my symptoms said "ya, sounds like anxiety maybe" gave me paxil to take. Took paxil for about a year after that felt decent not the best though..not many of these "fast heart rates" Decided I would like to come off of paxil after almost a year in which I did succeed. Was off of paxil for approx. 8 months had a few of the rapid heart rates which scare the crap out of me but delt with it for awhile...began being very agoraphobic didnt want to leave the house really, scared it would happen in public, didnt want to go to the hospital again etc. Got over that after 5 months or so not fully but was able to go out still hard to go to mall and stuff which is 30 to 40 mins away. When all of a sudden one day walking into work I began having a very fast heart rate once again tryed to let it pass me but it stuck with me..got inside work tryed playing it off infront of people at work but it wasnt working began breathing very fast, heart rate felt like it was going to explode at how fast it was going and how hard it was beating. Wakness and felt like for sure I was going to pass out. Told supervisor and went to nurses station. The nurses hooked me up and said wow your heart is beating real hard....monitor said 165hr and blood pressure was sky high (normally do not have high bp) . They laid me down on the table and called for the ambulance (once again) Ambulance shows up im scared to death shaking, very very dry mouth, hands cold as ice, pale etc. Take me to hospital, run blood work said.. well could be a heart arrythmia. Gave me 50mg of metaprolol sent me home said to follow up with cardiologist. Meds. were heck, tired all the time slow heart rate low bp (since normally when I get home I have a normal heart rate and bp... only normally when Im at work or out is my heart rate a little high 80's or 90's) went to cardiologist again said well you can come off of the meds. since they were affecting me and advised he would like for me to get a "EP study" Of course I went home and investgated this EP study which totally flipped me out after reading about it. Personally I really believe that what I am expierencing is Panic attacks and anxiety. Never went through with the EP study...Yesterday at work once again had to ride in a ambulance with a inmate to hospital...as soon as they told me I had to go my heart rate jumps up again...by the time we were going out the gate my heart rate was im sure back in the 150's or 160's. Got to the hospital had sweaty hands, some hot flashes trouble breathing felt I needed to leave immediatley. (Also have to add im very very scared of death always bothers me and Since my first attack always very self concious about my pulse rate.) Tryed to sit, stand, walk around the hospital it didnt work..Went up to one of the docotors and told him
what was going on..he hooked me up to the monitor and said yup your heart is beating very hard and 155hr with bp of 165/90. Went back down after approx. a hour and half or so. Of course again I dont like hospitals and being freaked out about the fast heart rate im scared to death....so this has been my past few years any help would be great im so tired of the docs saying well I really dont know lts just do this EP study...its like no one wants to believe its panic attacks or anxiety What do you all think ..Thanks for any help or support!! :?

12-11-2008, 04:33 AM
heart palpitations are very much associated with anxiety and panic, it's a natural reaction of your heart to adrenaline. i used to get palpitations all the time, racing heart beats pounding really really hard in my chest. i eventually realised that my anxiety and panic were all connected to how and what i was eating. it's all to do with low blood sugar, when i don't eat enough or if i eat/drink the wrong kinds of things i'll get palpitations when my blood sugar drops. it's easily solved by eating correctly and regularly. it may not be the same answer for you, but it's worth considering :) if you'd like to read a bit more then please take a look here: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

i hope you find this a bit helpful, i'm sorry you're having such a difficult time :(