View Full Version : Highly Sensitive People: Dr. Orloff NPR Interview with Larry Mantle on Emotional Free

05-13-2021, 03:55 PM
Highly Sensitive People: Dr. Orloff NPR Interview with Larry Mantle on Emotional Freedom:

I'm going to share my take on the good doctor because those that don't know her and rely on mainstreamers will recoil given her strong focus on intuitive healing.

My Take:
Not all gels well with me as the amount of religious ‘love and light’ element (that 'appears/seemingly') can really turn a lot of people off, myself included – BUT – there are nuggets of Gold to be had with this psychiatrist’s take on healing. She’s different from main stream but border line new age which I find as toxic as main stream. That said – I’ve had positive experiences in the past taking on the essence of her messages.

She is not into fixing people and recommends that many of us sensitive types actually reduce the number of people in our lives. She talks about creating positive shields and whilst much of the information is for the overwhelmed goddesses among us (excuse the sarcasm) I find her angle on energy psychiatry much more effective with me than the usual prescriptions that I have tried many times. Perhaps both methods might be worth a try? Whatever works I can respect. Just mixing it up is all.

At any rate if you want to learn how to cut people out of your lives ( often misunderstood and adds to the problem of division) or more appropriately how to not take on the worlds pain – she is worth a listen.

For all the mental masturbation we all go on with – there is a deep focus on nature with this doctor’s desired outcomes. Talks about getting in touch with our primal nature and so on. Yet another facet that works very well for me. At least when I am writing on such things drawing from my own experiences when dwelling in such voids – I know just how well such works for me.

Once more – despite the strong vein of new age religion that seemingly runs through these presentations and that being a part of the marketing / clientele / marketing - However, it does help to stay open which is the opposite of mainstream.

The above take I wrote up when skimming the following link → Awakening Your Intuitive Healing Power Q&A with Judith Orloff (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rruo5ZI9NUg) Not for those whom are directed by white coats and news paper headings.

So it was that I deferred to a book that I have listened to several times that is pretty much the basis for this doctor's guidance:

Note* How quickly in the beginning of this interview she is to bring up the fact that highly sensitive people are often misdiagnosed. Let the games begin. :)


05-14-2021, 03:39 AM
Yea - I could not really connect with the awakening link that lead to my initial intro, however the embeded YouTube link resonates more with me. Not to say the former link is right or wrong. It's not for first timers and more for healers already entrenched - for lack of a better word. The audio book pictured in the Youtube link is easily available via torrents if you know where to look and definitely worth a listen if what your hear in the YouTube interview resonates for you.

05-17-2021, 11:01 PM
Thank you for sharing this here. I feel like this could help a lot of people.

05-18-2021, 05:18 AM
YW. How was the hair cut? :)

05-20-2021, 01:41 PM
Empath is one of those words that has been flogged to death since the internet came to be. That being why I was hesitant to post but decided that it was worth it for those whom would be interested enough to listen closely as the perspective on energy as delivered in the talk can be a useful tool once understood. Definitely worth gleaning from at the very least.

Yes at times the nightmare only begins when we begin to see. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/simpsons/mr-burns-evil-laugh-smiley-emoticon.gif (http://www.sherv.net/)

I would say nature has a lot to do with it, but more so how disconnected we have become this day and age. Not in the above interview, but In her book 'Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself from Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life' She focuses on that disconnection. Being an empath for many who don't understand it and looking for something 'new' think it's something you take on. Like becoming a healer or suddenly discovering "I AM A HEALER" - Like there is an air of self importance that takes place like a lost soul getting sucked up into some new age church that finally feels as if they belong. What I am trying to say here is that being empathic is nothing new. We are all empaths to some degree with degree being the key word. Once you can get your head around what really matters in terms of one's health and also how energy and sensitivities can affect others around us and how that energy circle go round and round and once more the impact in that to all degrees ... then it becomes a little easier to digest. - Forget the pros and cons for now: (that's like a trap door)

I think of the 'empath' part as no more than the container like a cup and let's say when it's 'empty' it is but actually → 'full' of energy. Let's call that a high state of charge/being that is 'sensitive' to what is going on inside itself as well as that which takes place on the outer. The more this sensitive vessel takes on, the less sensitive it becomes due to lack of energy, that is being replace with that which it takes on. The 'Child' concept is used a lot in a many whimsical and spiritual circles in regarding to having a much more open mind compared to those of us that have been exposed to time and the environment. Think in terms of a clean slate or better yet a hard drive that begins to slowly fill up with information when exposed to the conditioned concept of time and environment. Because humans are not unfeeling machines devoid of emotion (although despairingly can be or be bots with emotion), the biochemical interactions that take place in the body during this process of filling up is very draining and becomes a major issue when not regulated. Nature now comes to mind. As in the natural process of development whether that be a tree or human child that grows into what we call an adult Vs a tree. I chuckle once more to think how much humans have in fact made that be a VS thing. Let's keep on track:

Emotional freedom is the ability to understand the biochemical process of thought and how that drains us over time. There is a big emphasis on emotional vampires which for me at the time of reading the book did not really sink in well enough. In my 30s back then when reading the book ... I seem to be well versed in the whole new age thing and not really like it despite having issues with main stream religions. My mind is kind of like an empathic sponge with 'regulating issues!' - but good enough to sense that 'for me' or from my perspective as someone who has lived my path - hmmm - best way to say it is that given the amount of rejection I have been through as a child and even later in life - that the whole sales pitch on cutting people out of one's life has never really fitted well for me. I understand the 'concept' of cutting people out that are toxic influence in one's life whom drain you of all your energy. SURE! I get that. But my super sensory powers for all the nuances of pain they bring, tells me that the way people engage with these potentially enlightening methodologies is quite damaging on the whole. But hey! - That's my thing. In an age of 'self', cutting people out is leading to all kinds of major issues where we now have more pious self loving, crystal-toting super powered would be healers sitting in the pretzel position down at the beach with a beautiful backdrop in front of their phones. That being how many of these books are covered and sold not to mention how most people are now self driven.

Those just jumping on the band wagon for the first time who have no idea, struggle at the first sign of stress they of look up, grab the bridge of their nose with the other hand out to the side in the pansy position, letting out a great sigh proclaiming to the world how drained they have become. "Oh I am empathic you see ..." "Healing is such a toxic business ..." ... and thus begins a whole new take on sensitive indidiuvals sucked into all the books and images. One of many takes.

Forgive me as I do go on. I guess I am having a bit of fun and got off topic yet it does explain much to me why some of these teaching can be hard to discern. I checked out some of her later interviews and whilst I still see a lot of marketing with the above there are still some elements of solid science with enough healthy doses of open spiritual perspective which I do think the latter is very much the catalyst to opening and closing your eyes as you see fit for your own way of being. ... and that's just it Sal or as close as I can suggest in the nicest way I know how. Approach the whole inability to regulate from a biochemical perspective. Not that I can talk. That said it's been good for me to bring that book back up.

I did the standing in front of mirror practice she talks about in the book and it worked pretty well. She talks a lot about nature and how disconnected we have become as human beings. This day and age we are not really human at all. People stand in front of the mirror but completely miss the being side of things. Each to their own of course.

I got a new topic to write about but going to save that one for my thread. It's about dealing with the mass of confusion that takes place in our head when being connected to the net.

11-08-2021, 02:23 AM
Chose your words a bit more carefully Peter. We can dance this dance again.

11-08-2021, 02:24 AM
I spent a lot of time deleting all those posts, I'd hate to have to add them all back

11-08-2021, 02:27 AM
And for what it's worth, I'm not James, I'm not Gimpy, and I've never contacted any of your family on Facebook. They aren't responsible for your actions.