View Full Version : What does radical acceptance mean

salvator here
08-18-2020, 04:12 PM

08-18-2020, 05:53 PM
Hi Sal in another words go with the flow , with the current , Do not fight it, It is easier to change the course when you are in moving motion. Accept what you can not change, Change the areas it is possible, Find a love and kindness in you. Be kind to yourself. My personal advice is not to go back in the past not even yesterday, cause it is gone, Live now , today, do not waste even a moment cause it will be gone for ever. I am kind of high, lately on some teachings. ;) I am happy to see you Sal

salvator here
08-19-2020, 11:56 AM
Thanks Dahila for your advice, I appreciate it. Yeah I'm not all that kind to myself or forgiving neither. I'm my own worst critic hate to say it. I'll try though.

Happy to see you too.

11-26-2020, 02:58 PM
Something that our programing is resistant to accept. Those willing to think differently are called free radicals and considered a cancer to the rest.

I highly recommend becoming cancerous. Just don't become an activist whatever you do. That's acting far too normal. Stay RAD & FREE - Become a free radical today! ;)