View Full Version : Don't Like Your New Job As A Mental Health Worker/Professional?

12-01-2019, 01:01 PM
Many people who enter the mental health field want to help others with mental health issues. Lots of mental health workers/professionals love what they do because of it.

But not all individuals who enter the field enjoy it at first.

For example, a psychotherapist who I used to see at a community mental health center told me that she didn't like her job during the first year of it. At the time, she felt stressed out much of the time and often wanted to quit.

However, after working there for about a year, she got more used to her job and came to really like it. She ended up working at that agency for over twenty years.

So if you enter the mental health field and you don't like it at first, give it a chance. Give it some time. You may come to like your job after a while. And if you stick with it, you can really make a positive difference in the lives of others.

03-18-2020, 06:27 PM
Some who become mental health workers/professionals enjoy working in the mental health field right away, while others take awhile to adjust.

09-21-2020, 08:42 PM
The world needs a lot of mental health professionals so bad, especially now our mental health is vulnerable.

09-28-2020, 02:55 AM
The world needs its roots cut so we no longer need be dependent on the mental health industry. Addressing the cause is much better than band aid practices that feed the market. Think about it. Elon has the right idea. Just take the best and brightest to mars and leave the rest behind. lol

When it comes to services, it's best to shop around and make sure your leading the way instead of allowing it to be the other way around. People are more like commodities this day and age. As someone allocated a large budget for mental health services, I know what I am talking about. It so easy to buy into being sick than it is to grow out of not needing XY and Z services. Thankfully some areas in society is wising up to nipping things in the but VS the traditional medical model.

The world vulnerability at the moment is as much a part of a plan Vs bad luck. Not talking Tin Foil Hat stuff ... but more simple Exploitation.

salvator here
09-28-2020, 09:57 AM
When it comes to services, it's best to shop around and make sure your leading the way instead of allowing it to be the other way around.Unfortunately, for me, I have to work within the constraints and limitations of the 'system' and services allotted to folks that can't pay directly. I agree, though, its best to shop around instead of the other way around. Luckily, after countless therapists that we just useless sock puppets IMO, I was able to finally find someone that actually listens and tries to offer advice according to what I'm revealing without the usual text book responses that don't even apply to anything I'm dealing with. And I also agree, that, we have to do the work rather expecting the therapist to 'cure' us.

Sadly though..I think most are just in it for the money. Its a business and we are the product.