View Full Version : This board seems slow and I need help. Are there any other more active ones?

12-19-2018, 11:26 AM
Been having anxiety 24/7 for the past six months and nothing is helping. I feel alone and swallowed by it. I just stared taking lithium yesterday and for some reason that scares me. Anyone else where I am?

salvator here
12-19-2018, 12:24 PM
Hi Butters,

Sorry to hear you're still not able to catch a break from the anxiety. Seems your doctor has taken a pretty extreme approach seeing other things didn't work and your symptoms aren't improving. I would also be scared to take lithium. I would imagine they will be taking regular blood work as that med become toxic quickly and they have to either lower the dose or stop it altogether. This I only know from other people that were on it. They said it was the only thing barring electric shock that worked for them - from what they said when I was hospitalized.

I know others have asked you, but do you thing anything situational is causing your anxiety? Anything you can change to alleviate the pressure and stress.

If you google anxiety/depression forums, there is no shortage. Most are slow as well other than MHF (mentalhealthforum.net) and SAS (socialanxietysupport). TTL used to be very active but also very slow now, havent' been in ages there and https://www.peoplesproblems.org/topiclist.php is strange, but very active and you can post without an account anonymously.

But, yes, I have daily anxiety (especially at night) and I'm well medicated.

I really do hope you find some relief.

Good luck.

12-20-2018, 05:12 AM
What Sal Said!

Hang in there Butters11. Give the meds a chance. Lithium sapped my soul, but it's different for different folks. Keep your doctor up to date with how the meds are working. You can also do other things to assist the medications. If later one med is not working, you could try another. You be the judge ... don't rely on others. Be careful not to do things that impeded. It might be worth researching on how to approaching your lifestyle whilst taking such medications. Take heart that your trying something as opposed to nothing. In the end, no matter what aids you take, in the end you will have to do the work when it comes to nailing the core issues that often lead us into such mental states.

Don't just rely on the meds. There are also community peer groups that you could attend, see a social worker, psychologist and so on.

Your not alone. Just know that.

All the best with whatever way you choose ... don't give up if your having trouble with one way. Often it takes a number of different lifestyles changes all at ones. Little by little.

Your outlook will affect the end result.

12-20-2018, 10:11 AM
Been having anxiety 24/7 for the past six months and nothing is helping. I feel alone and swallowed by it. I just stared taking lithium yesterday and for some reason that scares me. Anyone else where I am?

What kind of advice ya looking for? Do your loved ones know of your issue? For me, hiding it from my fiance made my anxiety worse. Happy to help you in any way I can. I have some panic attack stories that I could share that might make you feel better about your own, lol

12-22-2018, 09:06 PM
What kind of advice ya looking for? Do your loved ones know of your issue? For me, hiding it from my fiance made my anxiety worse. Happy to help you in any way I can. I have some panic attack stories that I could share that might make you feel better about your own, lol

Just knowing that I'm not alone. My bed has become my prison. I can't do any of the things I used to. I've lost two very well paying jobs to my anxiety in the past six months. I have the support of my mother and wife and they have been amazing. But I'm falling behind in bills as I have no job and I can't keep borrowing from my mother. My. Mind just races 24/7 and I cry a lot. I just feel helpless.

12-22-2018, 09:21 PM
Might try healingwell. The anxiety forum there is reasonably active.

01-08-2019, 01:39 PM
Butters, you are not alone. Lots of people know what it's like to be nervous and worried a lot, myself included.