View Full Version : ill try and describe my shortness of breath as best i can

12-18-2018, 11:21 AM
right so, everyday my throat feels tight sore and i dont know if anyone will understand this reference but you know if you stay up late laughing way to much and you get that feel in your throat like its tight and overworked... its like that. dont really wheeze, i have just done my peak flow and all 3 trys was between 550 and 650 but again i dont really know the peak flow scale. if you looked at my it doesnt look like im breathing heavy or hard, mouth is closed and breathing through my nose. I have just had a flu bug and i do still have a pretty hacking cough. another question i was wondering is could my asthma feel worse a few weeks before the flu comes out properly??

Anyway i hope people understand what i am getting at :)


12-18-2018, 11:29 AM
some time ago you had flu or rather cold and you coughing to clear your bronchies, Nothing wrong with it, When you coughing the throat will hurt, normal, you said in the other thread that you do not have to use rescue inhaler very often, So what is the problem? I am living with asthma over 60 years.
Is there a bit of anxiety cause you scared of getting an attack? Have you ever had asthma attack?
If yes, I do understand your anxiety. first of all make some cammomile tea in the cup, cover your head with towel and breathe the vapor into , it will help with mucous, When one have this problem drinking a lot of liquids is incredibly helpful. I do not mean tea or coffee and not pops. Herbal tea is good, water, even some juices
First of all stop putting the attention on it, it causes more anxiety ;) drinking camomile tea will help too

12-18-2018, 01:00 PM
If you feel poorly, are not getting any better or are getting worse, you could call your physician. Coughs can also hang on for weeks, even after the flu is gone.

12-18-2018, 03:32 PM
Hi Kirk :) yep,
I came to add that I was suffering with asthma till my doc put me on Symbicort, combination of two medications in one, No problem anymore... so maybe you should talk to doctor there is so many meds to control asthma, and I do believe anxiety is a second to the disease. I had never met anyone who had asthma and not major anxiety and panic attacks, Especially older generation :)