View Full Version : I am new here and I have a question

11-19-2018, 08:30 AM
Has anyone ever noticed that there is barely any help for people with anxiety or depression unless you have a substance abuse problem? I have been looking for something such as a facility or group in order to go to and the couple I find do not take insurance and cost a ton of money. Guess only the rich and famous can go.

salvator here
11-19-2018, 11:35 AM
Yes indeed that is true. Sad to say, substance abuse and mental health seem to go hand-in-hand today even on forms and paperwork they are listed alongside and considered to be combined. I also asked those questions once, and they said - it is true , there is better help for addicts than people with depression and anxiety. I suspect its because its become expected that people use substance to cope with depressions without therapy.. which is not always true; of course.

Don't give up though just need to keep looking. Do you have insurance? I had crappy insurance and I get therapy, its not the best but better than nothing.

EDIT: Type - Accidentally wrote forum instead for forms.

11-19-2018, 12:53 PM
I don't have a substance issue but I do need in depth help with anxiety and depression. I really wish they would do something for us.

Yes indeed that is true. Sad to say, substance abuse and mental health seem to go hand-in-hand today even on forms and paperwork they are listed alongside and considered to be combined. I also asked those questions once, and they said - it is true , there is better help for addicts than people with depression and anxiety. I suspect its because its become expected that people use substance to cope with depressions without therapy.. which is not always true; of course.

Don't give up though just need to keep looking. Do you have insurance? I had crappy insurance and I get therapy, its not the best but better than nothing.

EDIT: Type - Accidentally wrote forum instead for forms.

11-19-2018, 02:54 PM
Welcome to the Forum.

I find it comes down to my attitude and desire in terms of the help I desire and inevitably receive. This forum offers a lot of help, yet it can seem empty and devoid as our world in terms of solutions; mostly if I skimp on a genuine intent to want to heal and only use it as a place rant and rave. Nothing wrong with the latter ... just talking more about balance with genuine intent is all.

Listening to my tone (and making lots of edits/effort) 'shows' me many things. I've been toxic of late ... but that's OK ... it's part of the process of detoxing. Acceptance starts with self before you can see. Once my eyes are open it's much easier to find the help I desire in terms of finding services that meet my needs. There are in fact plenty of services for all kinds of demographics as is now a huge industry in a world full of perpetual need. The question is more about what you really want and whether you have what it takes to define your needs.

That's not an easy task for so many of us struggling with instability and then the need to prove one's worth which only exacerbates, but more plays into the perpetual cycle. Alas I nevertheless stand by my insight which comes down to; Self Help. In fact it's the best way to break free yet work with the system in a way that gives hope to one and others. A way to participate whilst defining one's own path. I think is why in some communities, there is a movement towards individual needs. That still requires a desire from one self as too an effort with respect to find and receiving help.

I'm not rich nor famous. As well as having head issues unrelated to trauma I am still a welfare dependent X-Criminal/Homeless Undesirable that was, and still is plagued, with the side effects of a broken system - YET - I am still able to find and receive help.

Keep posting. I find that also helps.

11-25-2018, 01:53 PM
You're spot on with you're comment if you're a junkie you get everything that can help them the nhs in Britain spend millions on methadone for people with no plan's of stopping but if like me a sufferer of PTSD there's little help its so wrong i wouldn't give junkies nothing everyone knows that heroin destroys everyone who uses it and good people forced to get on with life without the same level of support and care

11-26-2018, 12:41 AM
You're spot on with you're comment if you're a junkie you get everything that can help them the nhs in Britain spend millions on methadone for people with no plan's of stopping but if like me a sufferer of PTSD there's little help its so wrong i wouldn't give junkies nothing everyone knows that heroin destroys everyone who uses it and good people forced to get on with life without the same level of support and care

Narrow mindedness creates the environment that so many people later complain about. You think it's easy being a junkie? Perhaps you should try being one if you think they have it so much better than you?

11-26-2018, 01:37 AM
I am a recovered junkie but unlike the majority of them i stopped without using methadone just pure will power i went cold 30 year's ago and am still clean today so dont tell me to try being one unlike the ones that only want free drug's in my town there's a queue out side the pharmacy at opening time everyday im proof that if you want to stop you can i now have a 25 year-old daughter and a 21 year-old son talking about narrow minded look at you're self first

11-26-2018, 02:48 AM
Look at myself? You know me well enough to know I don't hide anything Twichard. You think your better than others just because you claim to be clean. You seem to be missing the point. You talk with an attitude that is more toxic than those seeking to self medicate. It matters little the dug of choice, what matters is the events that lead them there. The drugs most people using (in order to hide from what lead them there) are just as toxic and still we have idiots like you whom the so called legal solutions are doing absolutely fuck all for. Fathom that! I think you were probably a better human whilst a junky.

I won't stand by and read your abuse focused at people you term junkies. They are still people and in my book more deserving of kindness and compassion than a X Junkie who thinks their better.

You sound like a puritan claiming to be so so clean, yet nothing but toxicity comes out your mouth. "Oh when I was a bla bla bla .... " I did it cold turkey bla bla bla ..." Next it will be about how much harder you work compared to bla bla bla. You know how they go on about X-smokers being the worst at giving advice and judging others?

Look at myself? What the fuck do you want me to say about myself that I have already not? Pfffft ... what's your story? I have heard nothing from you in this forum but judgmental ideology that once again is more toxic than those you despise.
__________________________________________________ _

Now if you have a point that actually counters anything I have previously said, then make it. All you have done is spouted more BS that is only deserving of receiving as much back.

You think that last repose of yours justifies your self righteous attitude of "Look at me I am so much better because I went cold turkey and have two kids?" What planet are you from. Hmmmm Let me guess ... Earth? That figures.

I AM STILL CLEAN? You think I judge the forum users in here because they might go off the rails??? "Oh look at you ... you busted BUT I am still clean!" Pfft ... Your a judgmental fuck. That shit keeps people down and we don't need to hear it in here. When I rant I talk about the system and not individuals. Hell, I even see my grandson's child bashing father as human. Instead I seek to talk about the cause of such pain and trauma rather than distract responsibility from myself by focusing on individuals. I don't always get it right ... but it's my aim. In this case ... right now ... I am failing to do so with you because of the way you think your so much better than those who've who've been through similar to you. That's worse than than physical abuse.

Anytime I am here and see you bashing Junkies like that, I will call you out and show you up for the heartless bastard you are.

DRUGS ... lol You have no idea about the real drug problem that faces Society in this industrialized chemical age. I doubt your clean at all. I don't think any of us can make that claim anymore.

Me you say? Pfft ... you can't handle the weight of what's in my eye.

Now tell me a real story and stop fucking toting how good you think you are compared to others. Tell a story that really helps? You got one of those? I don't mind how raw and passion ant it is, just make sure it has something in it ... that actually helps!

11-26-2018, 03:13 AM
I am clean and prowd of it so you can just piss off how dare you suggest that i am a lying as for having no idea i see the wreckage thats left every day when i see people who i hung around with they are a shell i know that you lost you're brother but when i said im clean i am if i wasn't i wouldn't be able to look after my disabled son 24 7 as for thinking im better than anyone that's just bullshite im a down to earth man that has been strong enough to help myself change my life for the better as i don't even smoke cigarettes and dont drink alcohol

11-26-2018, 05:59 AM
Scroll back and read again. Your full of shit buddy. You went on a high almighty trip putting yourself in the 'good people' basket making out Junkies don't suffer PTSD. I called you out on it and still your going on about how hard you have had it.

Nothing wrong with crying, but don't go contrasting it from the pulpit preaching all the hate.

... and you don't get to tell my story buddy. I'm not writing your book so pull your fucking head in and stop talking about my dead brother. That's my area to discuss, not yours. Stick to your own story and stop blaming and shaming others.

So far your just proving my point.

I'm off to bed ... I'll be back to see you hang yourself later on.

Adios - Dick Head! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/rude/1/middle-finger-2.gif

11-27-2018, 05:18 PM
Twichard, I found your answer insensitive too. well I am clean too but never ever used this as argument, the so called Junkie are people who had not any help when they were down. I am clean for probably more than you, and I spend months working with drug addicts. My best friend was addicted to heroine, he did not quit "cold turkey" it took for him 15 years of struggling before he become clean. I was a witness to his struggle, always at his side, supporting even I had two small children and business to run at that time. . Instead of criticizing, maybe some f**** support, No one chose to become an addict. it is disappointing, you never had read carefully Ponders post, maybe because you do not know him well. I think you should go back and read it without emotions.
I do understand that UK is really "special" country , I know cause my friends live there and it is terrifying to read about people struggling with anxiety and depression, who actually do not have a lot of help.

12-16-2018, 05:33 AM
There are organizations around that will help you get the support you need. You will need to do the research in order to find them. Good luck!!!

12-16-2018, 12:04 PM
Hi Kirk. Hope you are well.

salvator here
12-16-2018, 03:59 PM
Yeah been a while Kirk, good to see you again :)