View Full Version : Schizophrenia Is Perhaps The Worst Form Of Mental Illness

10-15-2018, 01:17 PM
Mental illness is a terrible disease which can disrupt the lives of many living with it.

However, perhaps the worst form of mental illness is schizophrenia.


Take bi polar disorder. Some people with manic depression have such a severe case of it that they can end up in a psychosis. They can lose touch with reality.

But as terrible as that is, complete recovery is very much a possibility.

However, every time someone with schizophrenia relapses, they lose functions, while someone with bi-polar psychosis doesn't.

And that's part of why schizophrenia is often considered the worst form of mental illness.

10-16-2018, 08:11 AM
biếu mình dự đồng tổng nha

10-30-2018, 11:20 AM
You're comparing bipolar disorder with schizophrenia?
Why would you do that?
You really can't there's so much to consider when doing this...
Any mental illness is terrible...

salvator here
10-30-2018, 06:47 PM
I once asked my APRN if I could turn schizophrenic from bipolar and she said not unless one was already predisposed to it and if it wasn't diagnosed properly. Sometimes I wonder though, because I drank heavily for years to mask mental illness(s) and now that I'm sober, everything is coming to the forefront sad to say.

Hope not :(