View Full Version : What anxiety forum do you use?

09-11-2018, 02:11 PM
I came here after being away for a year or two, and it seems like this forum is not much used these days. What other anxiety forums have you found to be helpful?

09-14-2018, 04:09 AM
Why not to search on google to find out some other anxiety forum? Welcome back to the community.

09-14-2018, 10:53 AM
The google possible, yes, but not work so great like recommendation from personal. So this why I ask any personal recommendations of forum.

Boo Bass
09-15-2018, 02:51 AM
The google possible, yes, but not work so great like recommendation from personal. So this why I ask any personal recommendations of forum.


09-15-2018, 06:03 PM
Hi Kuma, I had seen you , I had seen this thread but was too busy to answer. Welcome back , you are one of the people I like, so many of others gone. The forum is populated by youngsters from 12-18 , No constructive discussion on forum for a very long time. Just whining and asking the same question all over. I do not think all this new people they do check our fantastic sticky threads. Welcome back, However if you are back it means you are not so great .eh I use only this one. I am in moment of my life that I rely on meditation ...... Is good to see you :)

09-17-2018, 11:57 AM
Hi Dahila! I hope you are well. I still remember that you were the first person to welcome me to this forum, and one who encouraged me to stick around when I was getting discouraged by various "religion" debates here (some people using the forum to evangelize, and others mocking sincerely held religious beliefs). Why can't people just accept our differences, and get along??

In any event, I have worked pretty hard to address my anxiety. I can go a few months and all is pretty well. But then something happens -- usually something that I say or do, and then later regret, and worry about the consequences -- and it is back again. Maybe I will just have to deal with this for the rest of my life. Who knows.

Glad to hear meditation works for you. I tried it, but I have not kept it up consistently, which I think is a key. I should also get more exercise. That might help.

09-17-2018, 06:59 PM
I am sorry you have the return of that, I deal with it for over 50 years and it is everyday occurrence, It gets better though. Right now (I am on small dose of clonazepam) and it seems to be enough for me. Somehow I manage, It is difficult to keep meditating and I am also guilty of slacking sometimes.
The religious freaks are gone. The forum dead, Ponder took a break, Kirk sometimes shows here,
I had not talked to Gypsy for some time so I do not know if she comes back ,
Jesse , hm I keep in touch with him on Fb so a few more people.
I was jumping on my chair when I seen you on forum, but had to leave, So good to see you so bad you have a return of anxiety, It will pass, it will. Every time I have health problem it starts. ......eh

09-21-2018, 03:57 PM
AnxietyForum.net is the only forum about mental illness that I comment to. All of the other forums I use are for general discussion/general any topic forums, although I talk about my issues with mental illness on those forums sometimes.

09-22-2018, 07:40 PM
I remember back when I joined it was quite bustling. I like to think many people have won their battles with anxiety or learned control, and so they moved on - that's at least why I did for so long. I try to stop back in once in a while to help others though, because I remember how terrifying it was to start experiencing anxiety and panic and not have any idea what to do.

The stickies is where I learned a lot of the strategies that helped me. I think "tl;dr" is a big reason why many don't read them. I'd usually get on here mid-panic attack and try to start reading through the stickies text and just feel so overwhelmed. So I'd just read bits at a time.

I hope it can become an active place again though.

09-23-2018, 07:44 AM
I guess these forums go through cycles of more activity, and less. When I first joined, I saw a lot of activity, but also a lot of acrimony. In particular, there were some people using the forum to evangelize, and others responding with loud intolerance. None of this was even conceivably helpful to anyone suffering with anxiety; it was a sideshow. But I stuck around, and after a while it got better. I found a few people here who gave good advice, and to whom I could relate, and I pretty much ignored the flame throwers and lunatics. Still, this forum seemed generally have a higher level of discord than others I have been on.

Boo Bass
09-24-2018, 12:02 AM
I guess these forums go through cycles of more activity, and less. When I first joined, I saw a lot of activity, but also a lot of acrimony. In particular, there were some people using the forum to evangelize, and others responding with loud intolerance. None of this was even conceivably helpful to anyone suffering with anxiety; it was a sideshow. But I stuck around, and after a while it got better. I found a few people here who gave good advice, and to whom I could relate, and I pretty much ignored the flame throwers and lunatics. Still, this forum seemed generally have a higher level of discord than others I have been on.

mental health forum.com
Friends In Need
no more panic.co.uk
7 Cups of tea (an app)

There are many others

Campbell smith
09-27-2018, 01:06 AM
socialanxietysupport it is also very helpful forum I also use this forum and get lots of knowledge about anxiety.