View Full Version : Anxiety non-stop for two weeks. Anyone else?

08-07-2018, 01:43 PM
This is kind of a repost but that's how bad I'm suffering. I wake up every morning hot and with panic. Nothing seems to be working and this is my fourth nervous breakdown. Has anyone had anxiety for this prolonged period of time? I literally have it all day and night. I am starting to feel helpless.

Thanks everyone.

08-07-2018, 03:34 PM
This is kind of a repost but that's how bad I'm suffering. I wake up every morning hot and with panic. Nothing seems to be working and this is my fourth nervous breakdown. Has anyone had anxiety for this prolonged period of time? I literally have it all day and night. I am starting to feel helpless.

Thanks everyone.

Hi Butters. Yes, I had chronic anxiety symptoms that would not
Let up for over four years. I tried many strategies such as medication, healthy diet, supplements, exercise, and others, but still struggled. In particular, brain fog and memory problems.

I would encourage you to read through my post on here called "al anxiety sufferers please read - this could change your life." I go into a lot of detail there. I am a million times better than I used to be and have overcome my anxiety disorder. I am healthier now than I have ever been. It's a wonderful feeling.

For the short term, I would highly recommend doing daily deep relaxation exercises for at least twice a day - 20 minutes each time. Examples include guided meditations/visualizations, progressive muscle relaxations, and deep breathing exercises. If you'd like some resources, I can point you in the right direction.

This will help calm down your body. Over time, symptoms will ease up. You need to remain faithful to them though. Eliminating stimulants, such as caffeine and high sugar foods will gel as well.

Daily light/moderate exercise will assist too.

Please read through my post and let me know if you have any questions! I feel for you and I have been there and I understand how awful it can be! But I also know recovery is possible with the right resources!


08-07-2018, 06:50 PM
This is kind of a repost but that's how bad I'm suffering. I wake up every morning hot and with panic. Nothing seems to be working and this is my fourth nervous breakdown. Has anyone had anxiety for this prolonged period of time? I literally have it all day and night. I am starting to feel helpless.

Thanks everyone.

What about 55 years of non stop anxiety my dear?

08-07-2018, 07:25 PM
This is kind of a repost but that's how bad I'm suffering. I wake up every morning hot and with panic. Nothing seems to be working and this is my fourth nervous breakdown. Has anyone had anxiety for this prolonged period of time? I literally have it all day and night. I am starting to feel helpless.

Thanks everyone.

Is very hard to help without any details. Yes, many of us here know this anxiety well. Is why many of us are here. In order to maintain a sense of balance, it helps to focus more on the core issues rather than focus on the debilitating symptoms.

What's going on ... other than the fact your having anxiety? Something is clearly causing it.

Might pay to think a little deeper.

08-09-2018, 12:01 PM
I'm 40 years old and I have pretty much lost everything. I had to move back in with my parents because my anxiety caused me to lose my job. I worry about everything. Money, I had to take this semester off from graduate school, I'm divorced and can't see my son because I refuse to let him see me like this. I just ruminate about how bad things are and the terrible mistakes I've made.

salvator here
08-09-2018, 01:04 PM
That is a lot to have to deal with and stress causes anxiety and depression if you don't catch it beforehand. I well understand to be down-and-out with no money. I've been poor most of my life and always struggled for the basics.

Maybe you can start to pick up the pieces and take one thing at a time so it not overwhelming. It might be best to focus more on what you can change to move forward rather than mistakes you've made and try to cary on. I've also spent more time reflecting about the mistakes/decisions that contributed to me ending up in this situation, but you can't change the past, learn from it and try to not let it eat you up.

I hope things improve for you.

Take good care.

08-09-2018, 01:25 PM
So sorry to hear butters. I nearly lost my job as well when I was at my worst. My brain fog was so bad I had difficulty speaking to people and processing information.

I would highly recommend getting a membership at anxietycentre.com. They are truly experts when it comes to anxiety and can equip you with the tools you need to better manage your anxiety and overcome it if it's become a disorder. The members area is $9 a month and fully refundable if you aren't satisfied. I'd recommend going there and reading some of their free articles and seeing for yourself their approach and thoughts on anxiety. I wish you nothing but the best in your recovery.


08-09-2018, 02:18 PM
Thanks for opening up. Sounds like the last thing you need to do now is spend money you don't have. I'd think twice before spending your money online to an anxeity website. Fact is there are plenty of places online that are 100% free that can help you when you are ready to receive.

It's good you have parents you can return too. It might not be optimal but then again it could be. I often tried returning home. Sometimes I could and other times it was a no.

I agree with the little bit at a time approach. Look to not taking on anymore than you can handle. By reducing stress and incomming triggers now, that can allow time to better heal. During the present moment or to help you with now, find strategies that help you go from enduring to finding hope. Often changing our point of view helps and the more we fight it the more suffering we go through. No good struggling with what we can't change.

For instance, right now my wife is being tested for cancer. I'm struggling with that. Over the last few days there has been some really great advise on taking a day at a time. I think I am going to ride with that. In fact I am going to break that down to focusing on small chunks throughout the day. Example:

Get up out of bed, have shower and make a cuppa (of whatever) Then I do my best to exercise. (I do that because I know it works for me) later I might ring a friend whilst I sit in the sun. Clean my room which I keep putting off OR just surf the net to see if I can spark somthing of interest in me despite feeling low. Hmmm YEA ... I know a mental health chat line that is free and great for either commiseration (which I try to avoid talking negatively) or I get tips on thing to do that I may like or just help others and in doing so help myself.

Midday ... WELL the trick I find to this strategy is not to think too far ahead. If I can roll out of bed, into the shower and get that cuppa going ... then I will most likely compete half of that morning list and I know then from experience the rest of the day will most likely fall into place. The key for me is to at some point in each day make some form of social contact with like minds, express a little in some kind of form as too listen to someone else if only to be of help. Do one thing for myself that I enjoy ... somthing that costs nothing is best ... often those things will be with us for the rest of our life.

Srry if none of that helps. What you said was good for me. I remember those times well. I am feeling much more for you now since I understand better your predicament.

Hang in there friend. I'll link that free online mental health chat place if your interested?

What kind of things could you do to pass the time without ruminating too much? Any ideas?

In the mean time ... take care of yourself as best you can. I'll be thinking of you now.

Your welcome to call me Dave and or PM.

Now I roll out of bed!

08-09-2018, 03:27 PM
To piggyback on what Imperfect said - I understand you may be having some financial difficulties right now. That is why I also mentioned that they have a money back guarantee. I wouldn't even mention this site to you if I wasnt for sure it was worth it. I've been a member for two years now and it's been one of the wisest investments I've ever made. $9 per month or $40 per year is very cheap once you see just how many resources the members area has. And if you are skeptical, just see how many positive testimonials they have:


I am also one of those success stories. My anxiety disorder was severe, and they successfully helped me to overcome it.

Oftentimes in life we have to pay for quality help and experience. For example, I could pay my brother who sucks at art $10 to give me a tattoo, but the end result isn't likely going to be a good as if I'd payed extra for a tattoo artist with experience. I only say this because I searched for years for answers on how to overcome my anxiety disorder and found none that were helpful. I'm only suggesting this to you to possibly save you some time and heartache. I suffered for many years when I wouldn't have had to had I found the right help.

The think I like about anxietycentre that makes it different from a lot of other websites is that the founder, Jim Folk, and all other staff members have all suffered from debilitating anxiety disorder at some point in their lives and successfully overcame it. They personally understand what you are going through and can give you the tools to recover.

Let me know if you have any questions butters :) would be happy to help. Hang in there. I know what you're going through and it can be very painful.

08-10-2018, 12:49 AM
Advertise as you must Jordan.

I'll thank you if you now get off my back.


08-10-2018, 09:37 AM
Advertise as you must Jordan.

I'll thank you if you now get off my back.


Dave - I hope my message did not come across as hostile or aggressive, and if it did, I apologize. That was not my intent. You felt Butters didn't need to be spending money for help with anxiety, and i responded why I feel paying is justified.

Regarding your comment "advertise if you must Jordan" - I am not employed or affiliated with the Anxiety Centre and trying to attract people to the site to earn them revenue. Yes, I used their services and am experiencing great success with my problematic anxiety because of their help and resources. I don't consider me making a recommendation as "advertising" as much as just trying to help. I am compassionate towards those who are suffering and am trying to lead them to quality help. As someone who suffered for many years with debilitating anxiety disorder, I believe I am qualified to give this recommendation. It just so happens that my recommendation does require spending some money, as most quality help does.

I'm not trying to nag you, but simply provide an alternative to your recommendations. I think both you and I have experienced positive results with our anxiety strategies and we both have a unique voice and a platform to give advice. I think our hearts are both in the right place and we genuinely want to help those who are suffering. We simply have a difference in opinion on the best way to go about getting help, and that's ok. I respect your opinion and I hope you will respect mine.


08-10-2018, 01:16 PM
RTR do not get imperfect wrong or myself , Posting on forum about paid services is a cliche , you can offer to member the pm system when they ask but it is not ok when people spend money on something which is usually stolen from others. I had seen people on website to paste others work and pretend it is theirs,
No ok to put the links the paid links here, we help each other without money

08-10-2018, 02:17 PM
That's not really how I felt. Also you kind of spotlighted me at a time I was not feeling so well. May I suggest being careful when you name other forum users and saying how it is that they feel.

Dahila summed it up quite nicely. It's not personal. We always object to the use of links that relate to paid sights and also promoting them.

You won't get banned for doing it, but there are those of us that will object. PM is best.

Thanks for being civil.

08-12-2018, 09:54 AM
Thanks everyone for such support. Thank you imperfect for your story and coping mechanism. I pray that your wife turns out to be ok. I can't imagine that, you are one strong individual. Again, thanks to everyone. Since being put on Zyprexa a few days ago things have been getting slightly better. I was able to go out and Uber two days straight which is a huge accomplishment. This morning I upped my Cymbalta to 90mg, hope that helps. Just got to keep on trucking.