View Full Version : Taken off 200mg of Effexor and put on 30mg of Cymbalta. Withdrawal is to much. HELP.

08-01-2018, 07:20 PM
I'm waking up in a state of panic like no other. I can't function. I was having panic before this but this is a new level of misery. I can't live like this. Has anyone been in this position before? I am in a constant state of panic. Xanax is the only thing that helps and that doesn't help sometimes. Any advice is appreciated.

salvator here
08-01-2018, 07:34 PM
Don't worry, its not you. I just got off Effexor in June and I'm just now starting to come around. Take the Xanax and give your body a chance to recover. It it one of the harshest meds to come off of. You will recover, I know how it feels.

There are well documented withdrawal symptoms associated with this drug. I think is a close 2nd up there with Tramadol.

Camomile Tea had really helped me. 1 dollar at the dollar tree.

Best wishes.

08-01-2018, 09:09 PM
Before giving an informed response it would help to know more details about your circumstances that relate the the process of coming off medication.

Things to consider and variables that impact the withdrawal symptoms.

What other medical conditions do you have?
Are you Obese?
How old you you?
How long were you on your medication?
At what length of time were you on at what dose?
Are you sedentary?
How much processed foods do you eat Vs Natural Whole Foods?
How much water do you drink and where do you source it from?

The anxiety and panic one experiences when coming off medication is typically caused by psychical symptoms ... what are they?

Dry Mouth?

During this period it makes no sense to put yourself in stressful situations. The same approach to taking time off and avoiding triggers when water fasting should be adopted.

I experienced all of these both on and coming off Sequel / quetiapine (https://mentalhealthdaily.com/2014/05/20/seroquel-quetiapine-withdrawal-symptoms-how-long-do-they-last/) -

For me I reduced my medication with a pill cutting and come of it very slowly. I cut back at a rate of one quarter of my tabled taking three quarters for about a month. I then reduced by on more quarter the next month and so on. The length of time you were on them, the doses as too the many 'factors' (which I suggest you research) influence the impact of withdrawal symptoms.

All these factors should be investigated from your own point of view before before you stated and come of medication.

I made much better gains coming of my meds (which has many night mare stories and dangerous if your do not research and do it slowly) through making healthier food choices, exercising, drinking plenty of water and ensuring I reduced my medication only slightly over a couple of months. I listened to my body and upped the dose my cutting slightly less during my initial attempts as well as avoided stress situations.

It was a full on challenge - but one I decided I wanted to do. I researches all the variable and taught myself how to come of meds. I did it all on my own without me doctors help and whilst I did suffer Hives/itching - It was a common reaction which I treated the symptoms and persisted with an optimistic outlook that saw me in the end come of this deadly and destructive drug.

Sadly I suffered quite a bit of cognitive damage that to this day I am battling with restoring - memory. Was great early (after the initial poisoning period [typically 6 - 8 weeks with most of these drugs] liken to that of coming off [but not quite] for a quick fix but in the end made me worse off.

Rethink your approach.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do next.

08-01-2018, 09:15 PM
Was on effexor 5 years, 40 years old, fit shape. Just put on Cymbalta 30mg, Gabbapentin 3x a day, and just put on a mood stabilizer at night. I just don't think it was a good idea for him to just drop the effexor without reducing it. I've been in a panic 24/7 for a week and I think it intensified it a lot worse.

08-01-2018, 09:17 PM
Don't worry, its not you. I just got off Effexor in June and I'm just now starting to come around. Take the Xanax and give your body a chance to recover. It it one of the harshest meds to come off of. You will recover, I know how it feels.

There are well documented withdrawal symptoms associated with this drug. I think is a close 2nd up there with Tramadol.

Camomile Tea had really helped me. 1 dollar at the dollar tree.

Best wishes.

Thank you. It's just so tough feeling like you are having a nervous breakdown 24/7.

08-02-2018, 06:52 AM
Yea ... I think that course of action was extreme ... dangerous to be quite honest.

Forgive me compulsion for lots of details.

Hope your able to work something out.

08-02-2018, 10:28 AM
Thank you all. It's just so tough being dependant on Xanax to feel halfway normal. I am a school teacher and Uber driver and there is no way I'll be able by the start of school. I can't even drive. Have people been through the 24/7 panic, racing mind, restlessness ordeal? Will it go away. I'm sorry but I always one for reassurance.

salvator here
08-02-2018, 12:08 PM
All that here as well, yes it will go away, nasty drug to get off of (and be on for that matter)

I'm sorry your doctor decided to take you off that without some taper, I also know what that feels like, I can not get any benzo whatsoever now, I had nothing to help.

For what its worth..

Gabbapentin is helping me a lot.

I wish you luck getting better. I really do and understand your concern(s). If possible (I realize your situation is serious), can you delay when you have to start school and driving?? I don't want you to cause more problems for yourself with unrealistic expectations, your body had to recover at its own pace, it takes time, and little-by-little, the side effects start to diminish, maybe not all at once.

I'm sorry if I'm not helping, hopefully combining everyone advice, you'll at leas feel a bit more optimistic.

08-05-2018, 07:13 PM
Everyone on here has been such a help. Does it matter that I am going from one SNRI to another. Will the new med do things the old didn't, or is it just like wearing the same shirt but a different color. Thanks all.

salvator here
08-05-2018, 07:34 PM
I've never been on Cymbalta, but I wish you luck with it.

08-06-2018, 08:55 AM
Thanks. The mornings are the worst. I wake up with it and it is just so debilitating. Just bumped up to 60mg of Cymbalta. Hoping that helps.

salvator here
08-06-2018, 11:09 AM
Yes they are indeed. As I said, that was June for me and still not 100%. You'll be fine and try to drink green tea no and then if possible and sleepy-time tea at night is good.

08-06-2018, 03:49 PM
Never tried tea before. I take a Xanax before bed but even that doesn't help. I just don't know what's wrong with me. Why I'm having constant anxiety and depression. Like I said this is my fourth nervous breakdown.

Could it be the change in meds.

Thanks everyone for your kind support.