View Full Version : Scared to death...

12-03-2008, 02:43 PM
I am wondering if anyone has any imput. I have been struggling with anxiety and I was getting much better untill I got engaged and was also anticipating a family vacation. I started to calm down for a while until the past 2 weeks. I think it is because it is getting closer to vacation. I leave in 2 days. Yesterday I was really bad and today is much worse. I feel very stiff in the neck and terrible pressure in my head all day long. I am really afraid to fly and scared to go away and be away from home. I went to the dr yesterday and he gave me valium and said I am stressing myself out and the pressure was anxiety and tension. He assured me I was fine. I feel ok when I wake up in the morning but as soon as I start my day I get the pressure and it lasts all day. I feel like I am going to cry every second. A lot of temperature issues and dizzy feelings if I move my head around. I have even thought about canceling my trip even though I know it would just be catering to the anxiety. Deep down somewhere I know I can do it. People close to me think I will be ok once I get there and am able to relax without distraction.Can this much pressure in my head be so terrible that i can't focus from just anxiety. Is any of this making sense? Can you really start feeling this way just from anticipation of something. Any imput would be great because I really feel that if there is nothing medically wrong I am just crazy.

12-03-2008, 03:42 PM
I know exactly how you feel. My wife and I planned on going away for a weekend, and as it approached, I didn't want to leave the house and was having all kinds of problems. I also thought about canceling. I went and it was a great time. At first I was having problems, but it helped get my mind off of things. As long as you know its anxiety, that's half the battle. Maybe if you go, you'll feel better. I hope everything works out. If you go, I hope you have a good, relaxing time.

12-03-2008, 06:04 PM
Don't worry, everything will be fine. I have anxiety and hate, I mean hate to fly but I do it. So far, I have been on a plane 6 times this year. I also have Valium for the flight too, but don't take it unless I really have to. The valium does help. If I can handle it you can too! The vacation will be so worth it. Congrats on the engagement. I just got married Oct 4. You will have so much fun planning but don't stress over it, make it a fun time.

As for your daily dizziness and pressure, I get the same thing. It is all part of the anxiety. I am experiencing anxiety now. I have been getting it off and on for 7 years.

12-04-2008, 05:16 AM
Thank you. I have been so stressed. I kept questioning that it was the anxiety because I'm so worried to go. I leave tomorrow and today I woke up feeling pretty bad. I am having a lot of problems with my neck, I think all the stress seems to be settling there. Last night I tried to relax but everythig kept spinning especially if i put my head back on the pillow. It was really freaky. I am trying not to use the valium because I am very anti meds but everyone around me is pushing me to take it so I can know this isreally just anxiety. I am hoping that once I get down there I will be ok. Every little thing makes me panic lately.