View Full Version : Mediating... please explain benefits and how it works?

07-14-2018, 05:01 PM
how does this work? Like I can have extreme anxiety then listen to something and calm down but when it’s over it will start again. Or does mediation over time change how your brain works/thinks? my psychologist say I should practice it but lots tines it makes me depressed to it if I’m feeling good and I find it depressing. Not sure what others feel about this. My major problem is habit of needing to dry heave which I fight everyday not too because when it starts it’s hard to stop

07-14-2018, 06:16 PM
Welcome to the forum; you know that google is your best friend ???????????

07-14-2018, 06:53 PM
LOL - I am literally on the floor laughing. I at least give links with key search strings. hahahahaha - Just kidding.

First of all are we talking about Meditation 0r Mediation? The former more about breathing and the latter about compromise. It's easy to misspell meditation ... I often spell it as medication. My dyslexia does not help either.

What do your think Nytro means D?

What do you mean Nytro?

07-15-2018, 04:33 AM
LOL - I am literally on the floor laughing. I at least give links with key search strings. hahahahaha - Just kidding.

First of all are we talking about Meditation 0r Mediation? The former more about breathing and the latter about compromise. It's easy to misspell meditation ... I often spell it as medication. My dyslexia does not help either.

What do your think Nytro means D?

What do you mean Nytro?

Meditation is what I mean lol about breathing

07-26-2018, 11:58 PM
Meditation actually relaxes your mind. This kind of exercise stops you from making rash decisions. It also makes you more patient and understanding. I have been doing it for one year now (every morning, every day), and I feel that I am way happier than before.

07-27-2018, 02:43 AM
:) All good Nytro ... I think I missed my meditation that day. :)

That's awesome IAC - Meditation does not really make me happy as most people understand that concept to be, but it does help me find moments of peace. Mostly between each breathe. Capturing the space in between each pause with .... well ... just thinking about it relaxes me.

07-27-2018, 10:11 PM
There's a lot of literature which suggests meditation isn't the panacea it's made out to be. Some suffer ill effects after practicing it. Others never really see any positive effects at all.

Please link your sources.


07-28-2018, 04:15 AM
Meditation is not to make you happy. Nor is it a quick fix. Meditation is an art that takes time to foster. Given today's culture spanning many generations before and aft, it come's as no surprise that pseudo claims are being made that meditation does not work for those individuals that have not really put in the effort that is required to reach a meditative state.

Polly I would like to correct your assumption that meditation is a 'panacea.' Meditation is not or never has been defined as a 'magic bullet.' That kind of language can be found in sensationalized FDA approved medical devices that often result in law suits. Hysterical claims often found in unfounded literature and marketing based studies.

Meditation does not just ... 'appear to benefit some people' ... Meditation has scientifically been proven and so effective the practice has been employed in Armed Forces all over the world:
How Meditation Works In The Military (http://www.americanjournalofmediation.com/docs/CLINT%20WOOD%20-%20%20FINAL%20REFORMATTED%20-%20Mediation%20in%20the%20Armed%20Forces%20-%20ALFINI.pdf)

Meditation is as much a science as it is a marketing ploy. Don't let those Instagram selfies fool you. That's not meditation ... it's a photo! If you want to talk about meditation, you might do well to find a style that best suits you. There are MANY FORMS of meditation:

Walking meditation
Focused attention meditation
Zen Meditation
Vipassana Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation
Loving Kindness Meditation (Metta Meditation)
Transcendental Meditation (TM)
Yoga Meditations
Self-Enquiry and “I Am” Meditation
Qigong (Chi kung)

They are but just a few. The fact is - ANYONE HUMAN BEING CAN MEDITATE. Anyone that claims meditation does not work, clearly has not taken the time to learn and put in the effort to practice it. Anyone who thinks Mediation is a magic bullet is kidding themselves. There are no repeatable articles, studies or any credible health professional that will tell you that mediation is a quick fix. That's because they know what mediation is and that it takes time and dedication to master.

Intention is everything. Why do you want to meditate? Meditation is NOT for LAZY UNDISCIPLINED PEOPLE - well actually it is for lazy undscipline people that no longer want to be lazy undisciplined people. Oh and you don't have to do it to become enlightened. LOL Not everyone get's to be like me.

Here I link you this guide so you can educate yourself Pollyfama before mouthing off on topics you clearly do not understand:


This following one is not a bad explanation by the same presenter as above:

MEDIATION FOR BEGINNERS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXmG1x1ih1U)

If your stressed after mediation ... that does not mean you did not do it correctly ... watch these videos to find out why.

Again ... you don't have to do meditate to be enlightened like me. It's not for everyone.

07-28-2018, 11:33 AM
Meditation does not just ... 'appear to benefit some people' [/I]

No offense, mate, but I don't think you know what you're talking about.

My meditation teacher told me to take a long break after I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress. Meditation worsened my symptoms, so we both agreed a break would be best. She even told me that she won't teach meditation to people with certain conditions because the effects can be too unpredictable.

07-28-2018, 01:52 PM
Thanks Polly. This is exactly why we should not rely on studies. The side effects listed by those fake studies are commonly experienced by everyday people with the medications you list.

Not to worry. Thanks again for taking the time to passionately express. I can appreciate that.

Re the Sungazing. I can only glean from others when I have personal experience to draw from. I have already posted on the futility of making claims and using others without having had personal experience. Unless you can Express like so; one only begs.

In this I am my own studies. You can't beat that. :) If you believe you cant do somthing then you won't.

For the record - I don't stare into the sun like you think. I do however practice my own version of it. Each to thier own. All my experiences are detailed in my other thread. I've actually been practicing in this forum for several years now with thousands of posts. I only changed my use name because the sun told me. Hehe.

Thanks again Polly. I think if anything, we have given people a lot to think about when it come to relying on studies when making claims.

07-28-2018, 02:02 PM
No offense, mate, but I don't think you know what you're talking about.

My meditation teacher told me to take a long break after I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress. Meditation worsened my symptoms, so we both agreed a break would be best. She even told me that she won't teach meditation to people with certain conditions because the effects can be too unpredictable.
Sorry you had a bad experience. Your absolutely right, I don't know.

Not knowing and comming to accept that is the first place to begin when it come to finding peace. The more you struggle the more you suffer. Meditation is not solely about blissful feelings just as peace can't be found without first accepting.

Nobody can 'teach' meditation. Meditation is a practice.

Your experience is your own and the variables within it that made your perception of meditation unsuccessful are also your own.

You can claim meditation failed for you, however my experience has shown me that there is no such thing as meditation or any of the BS terms we use. There is only ourself and what we do, moreover our intent and how we go about fostering that.

But hey ... I don't know, and I'm fine with that. :)

You don't have to be srry, but thanks for the sentiment anyways.

07-28-2018, 03:38 PM
I appreciate your concern. Sometimes during meditation things can come into consciousness faster than we can deal with them. Hopefully I'll be back at it again after I've worked through most of the major stuff.

I looked through some of your old posts and discovered you no longer meditate. Do you mind if I ask why? You seem very passionate about the practice.

07-28-2018, 03:54 PM
No offense, mate, but I don't think you know what you're talking about.

My meditation teacher told me to take a long break after I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress. Meditation worsened my symptoms, so we both agreed a break would be best. She even told me that she won't teach meditation to people with certain conditions because the effects can be too unpredictable.

Nonsense, everyone can meditate , it is so easy I though my grandchild do this when she was 5, right now when she needs to calm down before her performance she does it, You teacher is not teacher at all. Jules with all due respect , you do not need teacher to meditate . Check it up ; https://youtu.be/u4gZgnCy5ew
This man is a teacher, he is a western teacher, He would probably teach a horse how to meditate,
A lot of support PTDS is meditation, and meditation. Medication is not meditation. I am old woman and meditation saved me , countless times, It keeps me alive and (hopefully) sane.

07-28-2018, 04:58 PM
With respect, Dahila, I didn't question the fact that meditation has a low barrier to entry. I stated that, within the Zen tradition, we accept that meditation is very powerful, which naturally means it comes with some implicit risks.

As Ponder rightly pointed out, meditation isn't really about happiness or relaxation. It has a lot to do with changing a person's view of the world and themself. It has a lot to do with getting to know all parts of yourself.

The realizations and sensations experienced on a journey aren't always easy to understand and process. Sometimes, it can feel like you've had the rug pulled out from under you. Sometimes what is repressed in the subconscious comes out too quickly.

Those in vulnerable states like myself find meditation can worsen our symptoms, at least temporarily. Teachers within the Zen tradition, which Jon Kabat-Zinn practiced in, realize this is sometimes the case. There are stories of monks quitting meditation and the monastery, temporarily, in order to receive therapy for mental issues. Most are able to resume again.

07-28-2018, 05:22 PM
Jules you are right Meditation is not for managing anxiety, it is about the journey into you. The calmness and feeling of peace it just "side effects" of that. I am meditating for probably 45 years. It started when I fell in love with Mahatma Ghandi, yep it was that long ago. I think I know what you talking about, now.
I do have suppressed memories, for many years I was suffering, I knew that I have to unblock them. Not long ago I had attempted to go back in time and see it again. Very painful, it took my breath away. I had not stopped , the pain is survivable, especially when you know it already happened , you can not change the fact but you can gradually change your response to it. eh so much lost time.
I still believe meditation is the key. The key for well being and happiness
Right now after this terrible time, I am good, I am ok, I forgave myself and the people who harmed me........ now is good and peaceful ;)

07-28-2018, 06:48 PM
Jules B - Welcome to the Forum:

My Previous User Name is Ponder (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/member.php?122883-Ponder) He talked a lot more on meditation than me.

Since we are now talking about respect ... please do not call me 'mate.' I find it to be such a hate filled term often used as fighting words, also sarcasm. Although we don't know each other I don't mind you calling me 'Dave.'

Back to the topic of meditation. Let's not lose sight of the meditation's general purpose. The issue most people with anxiety and our modern way of living is how it conflicts with the general perception of what meditation is. My reference to personal experience is in your case a good example. You average person will not have your condition, nor look towards meditation as a means of reaching deep states. Stress Reduction Programs based on meditation don't require zen discipline and or aims. In a forum such a this - Mediation is sort best for the peace of mind and thus clarity it brings.

This issue you have raised in not for general discussion on the topic within the context that is specific to you. The instances your referring relative to from a historical POV are very rare. You won't find many monk in here let alone in main stream daily living. It's good to keep focus on the context within here. These rare cases of which you speak, do not reflect meditation as being the trigger for mental illness. It's more the process combined with other elements in their life that cannot easily be defined with words. Just as it's not the practice but that which resides withing the container doing the practice. In this - Meditation itself is neither responsible for instilling peace or triggering mental illness.

For anyone else reading - if your struggling with mediation - learn what it is & what you want from it? From a perspective of calming one's thoughts as it relates to anxiety (which is in focus and relevant to this forum) - Meditation is unquestionably excellent for doing such. Though my only reservation in saying that, is the fact it takes time to learn. Once you discover how conflicting thoughts can be used to better meditate, I am confident that those with the desire to keep trying ... that those individuals will reap the benefits that comes with a reduction in thoughts. The streams of thoughts begin to slow and the weight of each begins to lighten. That after all is exactly what we here at the Anxiety forum are all for.

Jule B - As to your questions why I am not meditating? I smile now because although I said I have not been ... the fact is that now I am. Meditation is not just about sitting or staring ... or being taught to chant or think a certain way - not in terms of every day doings with the intention to reduce one's stress - The intention which we set during our doings can be done in a meditative state through the practice of acceptance. Instead we spend far too much time with our opinions and in conflict with others ... but let me not finish on that.

This is me meditating this morning:
Flick - Distance shot. (https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/930/41892306940_abc9fe2cbd_o.jpg)
If your thinking about the pixels, your missing the point.


I'm going to have to contemplate a little more before answering your question of why I have been struggling with meditation. I am happy to say though I am back doing it for now ... with nature. Each to their own. I do hope you are able to find something that is conducive to your current circumstances.

Did you get that ... mate! lol just kidding. hehe.

Just call me Dave. :)

OH YEA ... I forgot ... For those interested:

Take it or leave it ... just another branch.


07-28-2018, 07:05 PM
BTW when I sit in my garden , I truly meditate, i let the thoughts come and go, no relation to it, For me the easiest is to do it in place which relax me, garden, at the lake, at the riveer.....watching the sun set or sunrise .......being right now right here.

07-28-2018, 07:12 PM
Well said D - Unfortunately D - Our society as it stands seeks to analyse everything all the time. Hence the need to talk in studies this and studies that. It's actually why I struggle to meditate myself. That said, knowing and some of the friends I have made in here ... helps me to keep the practice going in ways our society just can't fathom.

07-28-2018, 07:36 PM
This is why I stick with the nature, sounds of water calms me down and I fall in the stupor that I do not think, I mean I do but they come and go, I do not take a part in it, it is so refreshing, my blood pressure goes down, the sadness goes away . I think everyone is struggling, Our mind is like monkey jumping from branch to branch. Like crazy monkey......my keyboard is slowing down like crazy , I wonder if it is forum ?//

07-28-2018, 07:50 PM
When we get distracted in the BS of having to prove our words - YES ... then it is like so. Not so when writing from my heart with nothing to prove. Ego is a bitch. It loves to be right ... and right all the time. This we all struggle with if we are to be honest. How's about we pick this back up in my thread. No studies allowed or need to prove one's word/worth in there. But beware ... discussions on aliens, prison planet, entities and like wise things abound in there. OOOOOOOOOooooooo

I've said enough in here. I really don't know anyways. See ya in my thread when your done in here. ;)