View Full Version : Lexapro question..

12-03-2008, 10:30 AM
I am wondering if anyone has tried Lexapro and how was their outcome. I am still doing the vitamins and natural way, but some days the anxiey gets severe. I don't like going very far from home, and stress in my life is a constant :( I went to the dr and had a physcial, said everything was great. I just wish I could get rid of the anxiety and have a normal life. Dr gave me a sample of Lexapro and said try 5 mil a day and see how it works. I am VERY afraid of medications! Tried Paxil, bad reaction, sometimes would rather have the anxiety than worry about what the medications would do. Read alot of good things on Lexapro and wondering if someone could give me a short and long term effect they had on it? Its do I or don't I??

Thanks Everyone

12-07-2008, 03:40 PM
Hii I'm about to start Lexapro as well but the 10MG
from what I know don't always trust the reviews on it...! Second it works wonders from anxiety... Third I'm terrified of starting them as well, however I think the vitamins and natural products do more harm than good...

12-08-2008, 04:04 PM
The thing about meds in general (and antidepressants in paticular) is that they are a crapshot. They can help some people greatly, while others suffer greatly on them. And there is unfortunately no way of knowing where you will fall without trying them. Lexapro is said to be quite a bit better than Paxil, so I would say that your chances of a bad reaction are less than with Paxil. But they are not non-existant.

An important thing to ask yourself is what else you have done to deal with your stress and anxiety. Have you REALLY tried your best to deal with it in a non-pharmaceutical way? Or are you looking for an easy way out of it? The reason I ask this is that (1) antidepessants are not a cure, (2) the results from taking them are seldom entirely satisfying over the long term, and (3) there are REAL risks to taking medications like antidepressants, including dependency (despite any reassurances that they are 'non-habit forming'). Contrary to what a doctor might suggest (and I know from personal experience that doctors and therapists can be REALLY high pressure about getting you on pills), they are NOT an easy ticket out of anxiety and back to your happy old self. And I just don't think they should be taken unless everything else has failed.

As for taking nutritional supplements, contrary to what the other poster said, I don't think there is alot of risk here (for the most part). Some people say that some supplements help them. But nothing has really been proven here. On the other hand, it is unlikely that any harm will come from the use of supplements such as vitamins and minerals. Some herbs have the potential to be harmful, though.

12-10-2008, 10:40 AM
I appreciate both of your replies, yes, your right when you say doctors are quick to give out prescriptions. I've gone to two different doctors and they both prescribed medication. I have to admit the b vitamins have made be feel a little better. I still haven't tried the Lexapro, samples are still sitting here. You are also right when you say its good to work on it yourself. I read many posts where once you know that you have anxiety, it doesn't kill you, you shouldn't let it run your life, and the saying "I'm not letting you tell me what to do, I'm going to tell you what I want to do" sticks with me every day! I have been going a little more out of my "comfort" zone this past week and I feel the panic start, many times I've wanted to turn around and go back home, but pushed myself to where I needed to be, no not easy at all, but once I got there the panic isn't as bad. I'm trying hard to do it on my own. "no pain no gain". Thanks for your insight, and Lusima let me know how its working for you. Robbed, thank you for your info. It sounds like you have been there and done that. Thank You!!

12-15-2008, 12:35 PM
I am currently on 10 mg of Lexapro...5 may not be enough to make an impact. I felt a bit "funky" for lack of a better term for about a week or so while my body adjusted to the medication. I agree that fear about medication is reasonable, and any good doctor would encourage you to explore additional recovery options such as counseling, behavioral therapy, and exercise as additional ways of relieving anxiety. For me, Lexapro really took the edge off and helped me to calm down so that I could gain skill at managing my own anxiety. Robbed is right in saying medication is a "crapshoot." Different people respond to the same medication in different ways. Of course, if it is making you more miserable, stop the medication like you did. But, it can be very helpful to use the right medication. Just use good personal judgment.

12-15-2008, 02:19 PM
I am currently on 10 mg of Lexapro...5 may not be enough to make an impact. I felt a bit "funky" for lack of a better term for about a week or so while my body adjusted to the medication. I agree that fear about medication is reasonable, and any good doctor would encourage you to explore additional recovery options such as counseling, behavioral therapy, and exercise as additional ways of relieving anxiety. For me, Lexapro really took the edge off and helped me to calm down so that I could gain skill at managing my own anxiety. Robbed is right in saying medication is a "crapshoot." Different people respond to the same medication in different ways. Of course, if it is making you more miserable, stop the medication like you did. But, it can be very helpful to use the right medication. Just use good personal judgment.

I don't mean to harp on you or make you feel bad. But I am curious as to how you consider yourself to have made a 'full recovery', yet you take 10mg of Lexapro a day.

12-19-2008, 01:29 AM
Hello, I have been taking 10mg of Lexapro for a week and a half now. Some side effects I have experienced:

Dry mouth on day two. This only lasted one day and I'm not sure if this was a side effect of the medication or caused from switching over to green herbal tea in hopes to eliminate caffeine from my diet for good. Due to the dry mouth I started to drink more fluids which my body lacked which eliminated the symptom. Before starting this medication I never seemed to get thirsty so my fluid intake consisted of three coffees a day. I notice I seem to perspire under my arms within minutes of having any caffeinated drinks.

First week on the Lexapro I experienced uncontrollable or constant yawning lasting roughly an hour, which would happen a few times a days. Over the past three days I have noticed I have had only five minutes of constant yawning only two times a day. These yawning fits are becoming less frequent and barely noticeable and I figure they will stop once my body adapts to the Medication.

Lastly, I feel extremely hungry and nauseous if I skip a meal or if it has been more than five hours between meals. I feel this has been a rather positive side effect as I often forget meals from lack of appetite when my anxiety levels are high.

Apparently the Lexapro will take 4 – 8 weeks to begin working so there is no telling if it’s working at this point. Check back in a few weeks and perhaps I will have more information regarding my experience with this medication. I really was against the idea of taking medication because I fear the many side effects all drugs seem to cause with my body. I once tried Paxil and the side effects caused me far too much anxiety to continue the medication.

Over the past few months my anxiety seems to have become too much for me to handle on my own. After researching different drugs and finding this forum I came to the realization that perhaps my body just didn’t agree with Paxil and there might be something else out there for me.

My body seems to be adapting to Lexapro with very little side effects and I hope to continue taking it to help manage my symptoms caused by anxiety until I learn how to control my anxiety through Therapy.

Best of luck and I hope you find a way to manage your own anxiety level be it drugs or no drugs.

12-19-2008, 10:01 AM
I don't mean to harp on you or make you feel bad. But I am curious as to how you consider yourself to have made a 'full recovery', yet you take 10mg of Lexapro a day

No...that's fine....other people will have the same question. It's more of a semantic issue. Maybe a more accurate way would be to say that I have minimized anxiety's impact on my life. I say "full" because I think that will make more sense when talking to the average person. While I am not completely at ease and relaxed all the time, I nonetheless have done a complete 180 in regard to anxiety...used to be shut-down, frozen, couldn't hold a job, not many friends, but now I am very much at ease, have good friends, have a good job, and have a girlfriend. Anxiety still bothers me occasionally, but I've got a good grip on it now. I plan to push it further. Do you think there is a better way of saying this as opposed to "full recovery"?

12-19-2008, 03:28 PM
No...that's fine....other people will have the same question. It's more of a semantic issue. Maybe a more accurate way would be to say that I have minimized anxiety's impact on my life. I say "full" because I think that will make more sense when talking to the average person. While I am not completely at ease and relaxed all the time, I nonetheless have done a complete 180 in regard to anxiety...used to be shut-down, frozen, couldn't hold a job, not many friends, but now I am very much at ease, have good friends, have a good job, and have a girlfriend. Anxiety still bothers me occasionally, but I've got a good grip on it now. I plan to push it further. Do you think there is a better way of saying this as opposed to "full recovery"?

I believe the best way to decribe your situation in technical terms is to say that your anxiety condition is being managed. This basically means that your anxiety condition is being controlled by means of various treatments, but may still be present. 'Full recovery' means that you are back to your pre-anxiety condition state (ie feel like yourself once again), are not medicated, and don't even have to think about anxiety condition. In other words, 'full recovery' means anxiety condition free. Note that I emphasize the term 'anxiety condition', as having anxiety condition is clearly different from having anxiety (which EVERYONE has from time to time).

01-06-2009, 02:36 PM
I've been on Lexapro 10mg for about 3 months, for me it is working great. I feel like a new person and I have actually started dating again and have not thrown up once, it has really helped manage my anxiety. People who know me want to know what has changed because I smile all the time now. I can not imagine having to go back to the way it was before the Lexapro. How I made it this far I will never know.

The first couple of days with the Lexapro, I had a very bad headache but it passed after a few days, since then only side effects I have had have been decreased appetite which I consider a plus and one sexual side effect, it takes longer to complete a "transaction"(hope I did not offend anyone) which is also a plus. The only negative I have is frequent urination at night, but I sleep so much better I don't mind getting up 4 to 5 times a night.

01-06-2009, 06:10 PM
I was on and off Lexapro a lot when I was in college. The first time I went on it helped me a lot, and then every subsequent time it didn't seem to make much of a difference (although maybe thats because I was used to being on them). I have a lot of GAD symptoms but lately i've been suffering from a lot of panic attacks. So I decided to try something entirely different and went on klonopin. It is an as needed medication and it helps me a lot with panic attacks. However, I am considering going back on lexapro (I always get off due to sexual side affects or just feeling better with is a bad reason I know) because it does make me feel more stable overall. Hope that helps.

01-11-2009, 05:51 PM
Thanks for the insight, it seems that Lexapro works very well for many people. I am still on the "fence" deciding if I want to continue to ride out the anxiety or have a more normal life. People just don't understand how lucky they are when they can come and go as they please without anxiety and panic attacks. Each time I walk out the door the "what if's" run through my mind. It's not a way to enjoy life. I am so glad the Lexapro has worked for all of you and you feel a difference. I think it's just a matter of time and the panic will win and I will submit to medication. At least when I do, I know I have put up a good fight.

01-12-2009, 08:56 AM
I was on Lexapro for a few years. The side effects were minimal and pretty much were only in the first few weeks on going on it. I felt strange. My anxiety increased for a week but that was probably because I was nervous being on a new medication. When I went off in Nov, I had a lot of withdrawal problems even with tapering down slowly. I had verigo and dizzy spells. Do not quit it cold turkey.

Good luck with it. I hope it works for you. :)

03-04-2009, 06:15 PM
I'm currently on Lexapro too. I had to start out slowly since my body is very, very sensative to medicines. I've been on it since about February 20th and just now have finally been able to take the whole 10 m.g. Am I thrilled with it? No, I don't like to take any medicine. I do not have a racing heartbeat though. Less racing thoughts.

03-11-2009, 09:22 AM
Thank You everyone who took the time to answer my post. I still have not started the Lexapro, it's the days when the anxiety hits that makes it difficult to try to handle things :unsure: . It looks as if it has worked out well for many of you, and what helps is I know I have support from so many who are going through the same. The medication is here when I finally realize that quality of life is more important than letting anxiety tell me what to do.

Please keep in touch...

04-02-2009, 10:50 PM
I'm just about to start lexapro (10mg) a day myself. Tomorrow actually. What sucks the most of about these anti anxiety meds is the lack of the need for sex. My sex drive went right down hill as soon as I started taking xanax and Klonopin but they really help my panic disorders. I've tried a lot of meds over the years but the lexapro and prozac seem to be at the top of the list when it comes to lack of sex drive.

Now I need viagra or lavitra which isn't cheap with insurance but I usually buy generic online.

04-21-2009, 08:46 PM
Thanks for the info.. I think the majority of AD's have the reputation of killing the sex drive. :roll: It just would be nice to feel normal..

Let me know how your doing..

05-03-2009, 10:16 PM
Lexapro was really bad as far having any sexual desire. My Doctor switched me to Prozac which is much better but since I've been on it, I've been very paranoid and paranoia wasn't really an issue with me that much. Constantly worrying about everything little thing in life and I don't recall even feeling this way.

05-05-2009, 08:01 PM
Lexapro is a good medication for helping with anxiety. Has little to no side effects for most people. I know you can order it online at MedicineNoPrescriptionorg where it is pretty cheap and you don't need a prior prescription or insurance to order it from here. I know they carry several medications for anxiety and depression.

Just thought I'd share this site as I highly recommend it for easy ordering and getting the medication quickly.

Anxiety is not fun but it is manageable with medication! Good luck and there is hope as I have lived with it for over 20 years.

05-13-2009, 06:25 PM
Your correct when you say that Lexapro is one of the medications that is known to have the least of the side effects. The thought helps when your so afraid of taking almost anything. I also have been struggling with this for years. Hope you are doing well!

Take Care.. :)

06-04-2009, 02:56 PM
Lexapro was the 1st med prescribed for me when I experienced my 1st anxiety and I want to warn you that as soon as I started taking it, my anxiety increased by 100% and I had to go to the emergency room. The Dr. told me that Lexapro has that effect on about 10% of the people who that it and it does exactly the opposite of what it is supposed to do. It took 2 days for it to get out of my system and I felt so much better. I take about 1 mg of Xanax most days and that helps, but i will never take Lexapro again.

06-13-2009, 06:49 PM

Wow, that sounds awful. I'm sure that scared you. That is one reason I can't find myself taking it. I get really close to trying the sample packet, then I fear that something like that will happen to me. I would totally "freak". I also have the Xanax, but am trying very hard to "mind think" my way out of panic attacks. It's been working and so far so good. I am glad you took the time to give me your info. I'm glad you are feeling better :) . Wouldn't it be nice if they would just invent a pill that would take all the panic and anxiety away and we could all feel normal! ;) .

Take Care

06-16-2009, 02:55 PM
Lexapro did pretty much NOTHING for me. However, it made DH a total ZOMBIE. He fused himself to the couch and ate everything in sight every evening and weekend. Thumbs down on Lexapro...at our house.