View Full Version : Social anxiety getting worse with age?

06-22-2018, 01:13 PM
How do you guys expereince your social anxiety? ...

...I mean, as the years go buy and you get older, do you find that it is getting better or worse?

I am wondering because I have had a few people contact me about this and so I wrote this blog post on my website (https://naturalhealthevolution.com/my-social-anxiety-is-getting-worse-with-age/). A post talking about some of the reasons some people are not getting better. Many do get better though...my own social anxiety got worse with age as well until I finally managed to turn it around.

Thanks for your time!


06-22-2018, 03:08 PM
Worse, now I hate to be with people, for the last 7 years I had not gone to any party or people gathering. ......

06-22-2018, 05:02 PM
Whilst I often am repelled from matter of fact speech or a dialogue that proposes how I or others should or should not feel; I'll grant you it is very well written. I like the fact that you eventually included some options regarding possible solutions that may or may not work depending on the readers point of view, circumstances and willingness to improve.

As for the dynamic that Age plays into Anxiety Getting Worse? I think if anything, that's a really intriguing topic! Interestingly enough there is a bit of an irony as forums like these are filling up with the very young which presents an interesting contrast that in some ways can still be examined in relation to your question regarding exposure and time.

I'm a stickler for presenting cases from personal experience and not projecting absolutes through unfamiliar episodes which are more sold off more as authoritative expressions that lead many of us sufferers into a state of suggestibility. Being easily lead to a conclusion that's not really on par for the individual. None the less ... influential witting is all about selling a concept irrespective of whether it's right or wrong. I think that creates more anxiety in itself.

None the less ... those above thoughts being nothing more than my reservations to said question and one's link ... Yes Age in a world as complex and bombastic as ours - indeed Yes - ... Age in terms of Length of Time Exposed to the world in which I see - does surely ware on one's ability to sustain X amount of stress. Just as all living things grow old and eventually die. It's worth noting that the term age itself in no more than a container that has many elements that add to the outcome in which a person is worn down OR end up being in whatever state before one's end. Many of these elements being Environmental and Time Endured. Thus one's man journey although short lived can in fact be rather more stressed than that of an older hand that has lived well.

We are as old as we feel ... not as we are told.

Thx for sharing.

Just my two cents : )

salvator here
06-22-2018, 06:38 PM
I avoid public gatherings and outings like that plague. When did use to go well over 10 years ago, all people did was gossip about people behind their backs when they walked away. Left me with a sour impression. For me it has gotten worse, never this bad. Had somebody ever told me, back then, that I would be afraid to leave my own house someday. I'd call them a lair. Look at me now :eek:

06-22-2018, 06:55 PM
Hey sal ... might you qualify for a community service that offers mentoring and support? Here in Australia, some employment agencies offer this service to people diagnosed and undiagnosed individuals. Basically an longterm unemployed struggling with mental health issues. There are programs out there, sometimes it just takes a bit of help finding out, or the encouragement to try.

I have a community service worker that helps me with doctors visits and other important meetings like that. They also come to social events like art classes or mental health group were I have with like minded peers.

Just thought it was worth putting that out there. I understand it may not be for everyone as it does require being in a ceratain space to even try.

Just wanted to help with ideas was all.

Exscuse typos ... out shopping with my wife and using my phone as a modern day distraction. :)

Peace Bro.

salvator here
06-23-2018, 12:01 AM
Thanks Ponder.

I'm going to ask more questions Monday. I'll likely post about it here afterwards.

Thanks for taking the time to give me advice while out. Really appreciate it.

Enjoy your day :)

06-23-2018, 03:53 AM
Thanks all for your feedback =)

02-25-2020, 03:14 AM
At age of 20

09-21-2020, 08:29 PM
I guess as we get older, we just realize that not bunch of people are worthy of our time.

salvator here
09-22-2020, 03:21 PM
I guess as we get older, we just realize that not bunch of people are worthy of our time.I couldn't agree more with that statement!

And BTW..

Welcome back, Camille :)

10-02-2020, 05:26 PM
As a teenager, I had some bad anxieties when it came to meeting women.

Nowadays, at the age of 41, I still don't date a whole lot. But at the same time, I'm not as nervous as I used to be while talking to women that I'm attracted to.

10-04-2020, 08:44 PM
When I was young I was pretending not to be anxious, I was anxious but covered it well. I was graceful beautiful woman so it was easy for me to make new friends, you know how it is, we not suppose to judge book by its cover but people do, Even with a lot of dates and awesome men in my life I was always kind of shy. and anxious, Not anymore, I do not think with the age you are more anxious. I think it is opposite, I am not anxious anymore, So many years I was stressed out and survived, so anxiety probably will not kill me, but old age will :)
CBD oils helps me a lot to be calm, a lot

10-12-2020, 03:58 AM
I couldn't agree more with that statement!

And BTW..

Welcome back, Camille :)

Thank you! It's nice to be back 😊

01-11-2021, 12:57 AM
As a teenager, I had some bad anxieties when it came to meeting women.

Nowadays, at the age of 41, I still don't date a whole lot. But at the same time, I'm not as nervous as I used to be while talking to women that I'm attracted to.

Maybe because we care too much if people will accept us when we were young. But as we get older, we start to care less about how others think of us. If they want us, good. If they don't want us, fine.

04-07-2021, 02:19 AM
Maybe because we care too much if people will accept us when we were young. But as we get older, we start to care less about how others think of us. If they want us, good. If they don't want us, fine.

This is so true, and notice how we get older, we want more quiet time for ourselves.

04-07-2021, 03:54 PM
This is so true, and notice how we get older, we want more quiet time for ourselves.

As much as I can relate to that, I find much conflict in what seems to be an innate desire for quality connections in others, despite those others who care less for me or anyone else. The latter being a rebound issue where some individuals think we're impenetrable through adopting a mindset where we ourselves could care less as we get older as if being like so is an antidote to not belonging and or fitting in. On the contrary, the more I think I care less about belonging, the more my solace turns to loneliness. I'm wondering if it's in that realization and coming to terms with such, that only then do I enjoy the quiet that quells the mind? Like this is my interpretation and my attempt with being honest with self.

Like I get where the thinking of caring less about what others think comes from, however it can be a double edge sword to not caring at all. No doubt balance is key.

05-24-2021, 07:23 AM
I get what you mean. Maybe the caring less would be for relationships or people who were toxic. Maybe it's about knowing who to keep. That there will be certain people who no matter how much you love or how close you were, need to be cut off from your life to bring you peace. There are also relationships that even though you don't talk to often, the thought of them and the thought that they'll be there or they're just one message away brings you joy and contentment.