View Full Version : Why do I have physical symptoms of anxiety when my mind is calm?

06-03-2018, 04:49 AM
I've dealt with anxiety most of my life but thought I'd had it under control.
It's taken a while to get into yoga and meditation but now I cant live without either so why am I still getting the physical symptoms of anxiety?
My mind is calm, I have no stress or no reason to be anxious yet my body has been going crazy for weeks now. I am shakey, sweaty, cant seem to breathe like a normal human, my heart is almost always racing.
I have valium which calms it down but I am on such a restricted dose so i cant often take it unless it's 100% unavoidable.
As well as the yoga, I run daily which helps at the time but as soon as I stop moving to sleep or relax, the physical symptoms come back immediately.
Has anyone else ever dealt with this?

06-03-2018, 03:29 PM
Hi welcome to the forum. you do everything possible no to have symptoms, For a long time I had symptoms like yours then I got skin infection (never happens to me) I went for blood work and I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2. It is not necessary that you have it, I doubt it, What if your blood sugars goes down, after running, It will be sweating heart beating, shaking all which is so easy to mistake with anxiety. You said your mind is calm so no anxiety . Maybe you run on empty stomach, I would ask doc to give you blood work,
Sometimes there a deficiency of magnesium or potassium it will give you similar symptoms. I would check it and then you would know. You are fantastic for doing yoga meditation, this is really good thing you do for yourself .. :)

06-03-2018, 11:06 PM
Hi welcome to the forum. you do everything possible no to have symptoms, For a long time I had symptoms like yours then I got skin infection (never happens to me) I went for blood work and I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2. It is not necessary that you have it, I doubt it, What if your blood sugars goes down, after running, It will be sweating heart beating, shaking all which is so easy to mistake with anxiety. You said your mind is calm so no anxiety . Maybe you run on empty stomach, I would ask doc to give you blood work,
Sometimes there a deficiency of magnesium or potassium it will give you similar symptoms. I would check it and then you would know. You are fantastic for doing yoga meditation, this is really good thing you do for yourself .. :)

Thanks so much for the reply. I will book in to the doctor to check my bloods- long overdue! I've also suspected diabetes before as well. How do you manage it? Is it curable? Thanks again :)

06-04-2018, 07:45 PM
I do not eat bread or grains ; none, no sugar , no pastry; sometimes i miss some sugar, so I munch on walnuts, they have low glycemic index. There is a lot of foods that will not spike the blood glucose, I do not exercise like before cause it is not recommended, (I follow Dr. Bernstain; The diabetes solution) light low impact exercise is very good but you need to eat something to keep it leveled. I am also on insulin mimic Metformin, which help not to produce so much insulin. the numbers I have right now are showing that I am insulin resistant. In the moment I quit on carbs and sugar my energy level went up, I sleep better, I have less anxiety. I feel calmer ..........look for Keto diet :)
it is more a natural way of eating , more like our ancestors had, worth to try. Blood works is needed at least once a year to control the changes in body. Hopefully some kind of supplement will help you. I take biotin 10000 u a day to keep my hair healthy, Magnesium bisglycinate 200 mg a day, the last one helps a lot with muscle spasms, Actually i do not have them anymore :) Let us know what comes out please :)

06-09-2018, 05:29 PM
It's possible to overstimulate your nervous system. Aha funny, I dealt with this last year, I had a series of panic attacks and then didn't have any for a while but felt symptoms like the ground was uneven, I had this constant sensation of plummeting and difficulty with proprioception. I thought I had ms but as it turns out sometimes when your sympathetic nervous system is overwhelmed it can't shut off, all these terrifying symptoms were just my nervous system. Another thing is subconsciously you may be worried about having these symptoms and you're a little anxious and don't even realize it. Just remember you're alright and you're not going to die, things will improve.

06-09-2018, 08:05 PM
Scart welcome to the forum, I am reading your post and I started to suffocate, Please, pretty please use some comas. It will help a lot thank you Scart ;)

06-12-2018, 05:51 PM
I find it's a vicious cycle. Sometimes the symptoms come even when you're feeling calm, and they get worse because you're wondering if there's something more seriously wrong. Try to relax. When my anxiety got really bad physically, I would go to the doctor just to make sure everything was ok. But you can try your usual coping mechanisms too as a start. It hasn't gotten bad enough to see a doctor for me for years.

06-19-2018, 09:54 AM
I find that sometimes even if I don't seem to be worrying about anything in particular my mind decides to "worry" without my permission/knowledge. I have always had a problem with overthinking everything and sometimes my mind does this subconsciously.

I find that the more I can keep my mind focused on something the better my mental state. I had time where I had several panic attacks in a short amount but was not really anxious about anything in particular. One thing I did was go to the doctor for a basic check up. By getting confirmation that I was physically OK it helped me to be mentally OK as well.