View Full Version : What kind of help should i seek?

03-26-2018, 02:53 PM
Hello. I suffer from depression, agoraphobia and obsessions. Should I visit a psychologist or a psychiatrist? I have never searched for help before.

03-30-2018, 09:08 AM

I went to therapy first off, psychologist side of things. I wanted to take a med free route on my journey for as long as possible. I have GAD.


04-04-2018, 01:57 PM

I went to therapy first off, psychologist side of things. I wanted to take a med free route on my journey for as long as possible. I have GAD.


I have visited a psychiatrist. I think its only medication.

04-05-2018, 08:53 AM
As time passes, does someone need more doses?

04-05-2018, 01:16 PM
You will always build a tolerance to these type of medications (anti-depressants or SSRIs). From what I have read some people go a long time (years) on a certain medication until its affects stop or change. I have been able to improve my GAD with therapy (CBT) and supplements like CBD oil and probiotics.

I have visited a psychiatrist. I think its only medication.

I thought you had never searched for help before?


04-06-2018, 06:56 AM
Thats right. Now I receive 5 drops of seropram every night (only after my meal).

04-06-2018, 02:01 PM
When I first got help back in 2000, I saw a therapist and a psychiatrist at the same time from the very beginning stages of my treatment.

04-07-2018, 11:27 AM
Did the psychologist help you?

04-08-2018, 10:19 AM
Actually, iamverysad, psychotherapy didn't help me at first, in part, because I was not on psychiatric medication that was working for me. Hence, I didn't believe in the positive advice psychotherapists gave me at the time. It was only after I got on meds that worked for me that I then found therapy to be helpful.

04-27-2018, 02:46 PM
Thank you mate. That is exactly what i need to do. Thanks. What medication do you receive?

04-27-2018, 04:10 PM
The only medication I'm on now is Clozaril.

04-30-2018, 04:49 PM
Have you tried CBD before? I use CBD from Alive Market and i haven't had a panic attack in over 3 months! Its the only medicine i take. Its nice because they ship to all 50 states.

04-30-2018, 04:56 PM
Have you tried to use CBD for depression and anxiety? It is all natural and i haven't had a panic or anxiety attack in over 3 months. I love that i don't get any panic attacks. Check out Alive Market they ship to all states!

05-01-2018, 04:43 AM
Thank you. I receive 16mg citalopram every night after dinner.

06-12-2018, 05:56 PM
I started and stayed with a psychologist. The important thing is to find out what works for you, the right fit. If you feel you might need medication, then a psychiatrist will be the one to help you

06-16-2018, 12:59 AM
About depression and anxiety, you may see a therapist and it should be a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist.