View Full Version : herbal

01-24-2018, 09:51 PM
do you want to know why parents wants their children to take herbal than medicines? just click here https://www.rodalesorganiclife.com/wellbeing/natural-cures-for-kids

01-24-2018, 10:31 PM
Good Topic Nathalia. My only concern is that even herbs require a good knowledge base as many herbs have the potential to be detrimental; especially for kids. Just like with eating healthy foods, the combination, layering, time taken and about 50 other variables are often not considered when going down such an alternative route. That said, I totally think there is a place for herbs and kids. It's no wonder that parents do not discuss such alternatives with the GPs. It's hard enough getting their support coming of the drugs.

Herbs like Super foods can be hard to fathom with all the miss information ... but with a little hard work, careful trial and error they can be used to good effect. I think it's important to note that they are still used more as aids, not full blown control methods to replace healthy eating and clean living. In other words herbs like medicines can only do so much ... yet imo depending on severity of condition ... a much healthier alternative to take.

Just my 2cents ... Dahila knows more on herbs than me. D is our resident Herb Lady :)

Aromatherapy is also another good one.

01-25-2018, 06:08 AM
Topic is good, but Using fish oil can be dangerous, all oceans are radioactive , Fukishima trows 15000 tons a day of contaminated water, no one talks about it, In Canada the fish is radioactive. Then it is the cause for loss of hair at least. I stopped taking it, it is too dangerous.
There is a lot of cough remedies like home made cough syrup using elderberry and honey.
I would not use Essential oils on children they must be over 6 years old to use topically. Ingesting it is a very dangerous practice.
eh The problem with the blogs and articles is not one check it for sources, Anyone can put this on internet and more and more people end up with EO sensitivity, about 150000 people end up in Hospital due the exposure to potent essential oils (Canada statistics)

01-25-2018, 12:47 PM
Good to know D. The little one who has the ASD traits responds well to massage. His sensitivities whilst might be off putting for things like schools and 'others' in the community also means he responds well to a number alternatives methods. I am carefully though when burning incense as you point out there are negatives that comes with all these treatments and some are not always obvious. Those more subtle effects can also build up with time. A bit like side effects. I have no problem with the use of aromatherapy for my grandson, but only because I am aware of the doses, ways of forms of distribution when using such methods to alleviate his tension. Mind you though - I should of mentioned a warning when using oils like so. We do not dilute using with him as we simply do not apply any oil to his body at all; not at this stage but it will be on the cards as he ages. I'm just mindful of how much we put in the air and kids don't have the same capacity as our lungs and also process the inhalation at a different rate.

I thought the same about the fish oil ... but figured that would be too much for the average consumerist to digest given all the hype associated with it. Lectins is something Lisa and I are keeping an eye on now, and whilst that is completely unrelated to this topic, its yet another 'dynamic in the food industry where people are becoming more susceptible yet all the marketed research will be careful to steer clear of.

Your mention of those statistics kind of shows the dangers in alternative methods despite so many moving away from main stream doctoring. I think fact that we no longer live in a natural world, but more one that makes nature a commodity has limiting our knowledge and intentionally restricted our options. I leave it at that for going on that path any further will have me labeled. :)

01-25-2018, 06:06 PM
yep it is difficult to actually pin point what was the trigger of reaction. you know working with essential oils one must be extra careful. I stopped fish oil but there is a source of omegas in flaxmeal ;)
to use natural methods of healing one must know what is doing, We have a lot of knowledge that is lost, Something everyone knew at some point, but is forgotten now
What is easier; to pick up a pill or to pick up herbs wash them, dry them then make extracts or infusions?
The problem with herbs now is the contamination, I spend a lot of money on good herbs, the ones that I can not grow it, ie devil's claw or another name Wolf bane, does not grow here,,,,,,,,,Do you recall growing dandelion? I will pick them up this spring and use in my salads, excellent for diabetics

02-02-2018, 12:19 PM
Many different tools is valuable. We gotta keep our eyes open for everything.

02-02-2018, 12:20 PM
So thanks for sharing.

04-24-2018, 01:09 AM
Herbal is really good. No side effects at all.

04-26-2018, 06:21 AM
Herbal is really good. No side effects at all.

I would dare to disagree, I know my herbs (over 40 years working with them) there is a lot people do not realize, Do you know that mint tea should not be drink more that once a week? Twice is top, it causes secreting bile production which can ruin the balance in our body. Camomile is the one you could drink everyday. A lot of herbs have side effects, not all of them are safe , you need to know what you are doing othewise you can hurt yourself