View Full Version : Going back to old ways??

11-23-2008, 07:31 PM

I wrote a cple of weeks ago cos i was having a really bad time, feeling of unreality feeling unwell being scared etc.

Then i seemed to get my self out of the hole i was in and start enjoying life again.

Yesterday i went back to my old ways, staying awake all night, sleeping all day, and i have a sore neck and mouth sores in unusual places.. and ive got the fear again.

Im scared of being on my own all day tomorrow, i am usually on my own 5 days a week and it doesnt bother me, but tomorrow, for some reason, i am scared of it.

Please help!!

11-24-2008, 12:32 PM
Somtimes i find this happening to me aswell.

I will be really motivated for about a week or two and then ill reverse and feel like i cant do anything.

Its like a never ending rollercoaster.

I cant suggest anything really exept to start doing what you did before when you where feeling anxiouse.

Maybe the more times we practice overcomming it, we finnaly will.

11-25-2008, 07:50 AM
hi gemma! i'm sorry to see you having a rough patch :( but you know it's ok to have these bad times, recovery is never straight forward and not easy. what you should try to focus on is how you pulled yourself out the last time and start working on the same things again. i know it's hard, but try to think about how well you're doing by having good weeks and just accepting the bad days when they come. i had plenty of wobbly days and weeks at the beginning of getting better and it took a long time until i felt right again, but each good day was progress and i try to look at it that way.

are you particularly stressed out at the moment? it might be helpful to take a look at this other post i wrote for lots of tips on how to help yourself through the rough patches: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

i hope you're feeling better again soon, keep woring at it :)