View Full Version : Anxiety at work

11-20-2008, 07:39 AM
Hi all,

I have suffered from OCD, Anxiety and Depression for the last 18 months. My OCD seems to be under control now but my anxiety is still effecting me at work.

My problem is that I feel anxious when meeting new customers. I worry that I will panic and need to get away. Actually this is how all my mental health problems started when I panicked with a customer 18 months ago.

It has been not only seeing the customers that has been difficult but actually chasing up calls incase they lead to a meeting.

I am fine dealing with people on the phone but as soon as I think it is going to lead to a meeting (which most do) i get that horrid anxious feeling.

Sometimes I wont sleep for days before a meeting and have had other problems in the days leading up to meetings that include feeling agoraphobic and once even experiancing an episode of impotence.

Its a vicious circle because if I dont see customers I dont earn money and if I dont earn money I can pay for treatment.

Sorry for the moan but just needed to get it off my chest.

Thanks for reading.