View Full Version : Anxiety? what to do

11-20-2008, 03:46 AM
I've recently found that whilst at work My thoughts spiral down into real bad anxiety then panic.
I've made decisions which much later seem fine, but at the time I worry so much that I've not made the right decision or misunderstood a date whist talking on the phone, and that it could lead to making a decison on the wrong date/appointment. I get really anxious and panicy of the outcome, maybe even for a few days and possibly wake-up early worying about these things and more.

My sleep is suffering and so is my bowels.

I am getting worse as I've been promoted and maybe I'm expecting to much of myself?

My girlfriend as recently asked if I've always been "not as happy as I should be" the answer is yes , always been tense, lack being as socialable as I should be, but I don't avoid socilising , just very bad at it. She thinks I could be Manic depressive.... No sure on that although a bbc site did outline a mild version that I thought fitted me.

I fit most symptoms of depression too. I do I tmes lack motivation to do anything. And am obsesive about internets, If I get started, I get obsessed with it.

And my girlfriend worries about me being tired i the Afternoon and falling asleep about 930ish in the evening.

If anyone has any advice or ideas, could you please post them.



11-20-2008, 04:10 AM
hi brickey, the best person to talk to about it is your doctor, only they will be able to give a diagnosis. the problems with your bowels and also the fact that you get tired in the afternoons and have low energy may be linked to diet, how well do you look after your diet? so you consume a lot of sugar/caffeine/sodas/refined and processed foods/fatty foods? do you skip breakfast or do you eat on a regular basis? are you getting the proper nutrition your body needs to run properly and happily? food can majorly affect how you feel including those feelings of anxiety and depression. exercise is also incredibly important for natural levels of hormones like seratonin in your body :)

you can take a look at this thread for some further information on the kinds of things you can do to help out with the anxiety or depression: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

hope this helps a bit :)