View Full Version : Anxiety over spouse illness’s

11-04-2017, 03:10 PM
My husband has been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver.... last night h,e passed out in front of me. The dr can’t find a reason. I took him to the er. I was reading about a Vegus nerve being the culprit as he ate very late and had a bad stomach ache, felt nauseous. My problem is that I suffer greatly from anxiety and depression. These issues are making me paranoid something is going to happen to him. I thought he was having a heart attack last night. Can anyone give me some advice to help me? I am so afraid something is wrong and I will lose him. All I do is worry about him and what is going on . It is affecting everything in my life. He says people pass out all the time for different reasons, and he is not worried but I am...please help me!

11-04-2017, 07:16 PM
Anyone without an anxiety disorder would be anxious in this situation so know that it's normal when your spouse has a diagnosis like that. Try not to get too worked up about every little thing but if you need to, see a doctor to see if they can help you manage your worry.

11-05-2017, 09:08 PM
I’m so sorry to hear that, girl. My heart goes out to you at this time. I know how difficult and painful it must be for you to see your husband go through this. I just said a prayer for him, and I hope that God will touch him with His healing hands and strengthen him. Are you seeing a therapist for your anxiety and depression? A caring professional might be able to give you some solid guidance. I know it’s not easy right now but stay strong. Hugs!

11-06-2017, 10:06 AM
I think my problem is he dropped right in front of me. All I see when I close my eyes is him falling backward and and hitting the floor. He says he didn’t pass out he got really dizzy and lost his balance... I thought he had a heart attack. Hid dad dropped of a heart attack like that very quickly...So I think I may have some post traumatic stress or something. I still hear that thud of him falling in my head.... I can’t sleep and it is occupying my every thought....uggghhhh.