View Full Version : Saying Hi.

10-18-2017, 05:55 PM
Hi my name is Caroline and I'm 25 years old. I have been dealing with depression for around 10 years and I have developed very bad anxiety in the last few years. I started having panic attacks around a year ago. I'm hoping that talking to people who experience the same problems can help. I thank you all in advance.

10-18-2017, 07:16 PM
Hi Caroline and welcome :)

I’ve had anxiety my whole life (I’m 44 now). It has gotten better (especially since I stopped drinking) but it still gets me and I get it so severely I’m on a pension for it. My body/mind just does not handle stress well at all and I still get debilitating anxiety to the point where all I can do is lie on my bed. I’m on 40mg of Prozac, which may help but not much I don’t think. Benzos help a lot but with my addictive tendencies I have to be really strict with myself (and sometimes I’m not so I end up in withdrawals).

Anyway, I hope you find some help here.

Gypsy x