View Full Version : is a community the answer to my anxiety/depression?

09-27-2017, 08:58 AM
Hello, I have suffered from anxiety/panic disorder and depression since around 2014 - I am currently 28 years old.

I did have "some" anxiety prior to 2014 but never physical and never the kind the sticks around 24/7. I have realized that growing up I had A LOT of friend, a great family support system, a church and then once I went to college - i lived on campus, I always had roomates, friends and activities to do.

My anxiety started after I became serious with my now husband, I know i isolated myself from a lot of people and I was also graduating college and starting a full time job (desk job). It was my last sem. of college, my now husband at the time had to move for school, and I was sitting in a desk 9-5, lived by myself and for about 7 months had a nervous breakdown.. I was still able to graduate and keep my job but I lost 20 lbs and had some major medical issues for quite sometime as well as starting antidepressants.

I have figured out when my anxiety started and maybe why when in therapy, which im still in. But to me it seems like once i started being by myself it REALLY escalated. My husband and I currently live 5+ hours from our family and I still work a desk job 9-5. I have tried to get involved in other activities.. like a yoga class in my town to maybe meet some people but nothing has worked out.

I use to be very social and not like this. We are thinking of joining a church again soon and I hope this may help with some of my feelings because I dont feel like I can always feel this way. When i do do things outside of work with work friends i feel like i cant wait to get home... Its so depressing going to work 9-5 in a desk job, no friends outside of work, and family gone. I love my husband but he has things he does like sports and that keep him busy outside of work. Im not sure a solution but wondering if getting involved in something will help again.

Im at a loss though as nothing ive tried has brought back the same since of belonging as when i had a big group of friends around me in highschool and college. After my nervous breakdown and my apt. lease was up I ended up moving in with some roomates and found my anxiety subsided for quite sometime. Since then i have gotten married and moved even further and my anxiety has come back because of some life stressors.

Im not sure a solution to the whole community thing. Ive read online quite often that the US as a whole has lost its sense of community and purpose and I really feel like that is how I feel some days. I am in my first trimester of pregancy and having some bad anxiety again and feel like I need to get in a better mental state to be the best mom I can be and not isolate myself but i just dont know how or what to do. I live in a large city but after working until 5 and then freelancing outside of work to make some money my engery is shot. Especially now being preg. Some days are just so depressing... Overall i am in a lot better place than I was 3-4 years ago but some days it feels like im slipping back into that...


09-27-2017, 08:37 PM
I think joining a church will help a lot. And then, don't just go once a week, be a volunteer or join some group within the church that will help you meet with a regular group of people. And here's a plus...they will probably throw you a great baby shower! lol

09-30-2017, 08:01 PM
Hey Stellanova, if you’re having difficulty finding the right church to join, watching Christian TV channels can bring you peace as well.