View Full Version : Is this anxiety ?

09-26-2017, 11:30 PM
Hey, I'm 18 years old and after recreational drug usage for a while I developed denationalization and anxiety I believe at this point. However, I'm unsure if it's anxiety a psychosis coming or what else. This problem occurs when I go to bed, I jumped out of bed around five minutes ago from panicking. I was listening to a video while trying to fall asleep, if I don't do that I'll overthink and listen to every sound there is and the room and eventually convince myself I'm schizophrenic. However, I couldn't understand shit the of what was being said in the video all of a sudden I couldn't connect the lines putting the sentences together. That made me stress and it just continued to build on from there. I'm still feeling a bit like I can't put sentences together in my head properly, quite weird really.

Barong Baj Baj
09-28-2017, 04:06 PM
Hey, I'm 18 years old and after recreational drug usage for a while I developed denationalization and anxiety I believe at this point. However, I'm unsure if it's anxiety a psychosis coming or what else. This problem occurs when I go to bed, I jumped out of bed around five minutes ago from panicking. I was listening to a video while trying to fall asleep, if I don't do that I'll overthink and listen to every sound there is and the room and eventually convince myself I'm schizophrenic. However, I couldn't understand shit the of what was being said in the video all of a sudden I couldn't connect the lines putting the sentences together. That made me stress and it just continued to build on from there. I'm still feeling a bit like I can't put sentences together in my head properly, quite weird really.

Hey bro. hope your feeling a little better. Sounds like it could be anxiety to me. i made a video on it. Maybe it will help?
peace and good luck man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF3HsaGG-XA&list=PLXN7trCBwKot0XfVoIcYM-uM4qTS7lBKR&ab_channel=BarongBajBaj

09-29-2017, 02:52 PM
Hey there,

I've lived with a chronic Schizophrenic and what you describe doesn't sound like you have it. I was terrified of Schizophrenia as well when I was younger but as I've gotten older (I'm 44 now) I've realised anxiety/depression is quite different and I've never been psychotic (and I've pretty much pushed my mind to the limit).

Take it easy,
Gypsy x

09-30-2017, 01:38 AM
Anxiety causes confusion which makes it difficult to understand what’s being said or to put sentences together in your mind. When I had the condition, it was difficult for me to think which streets to take to get home while driving. You said you jump out of bed in panic. That’s a common way in which panic attacks happen. Depersonalization is another symptom of anxiety where you feel like you are not yourself and you may feel like you don't recognize yourself in the mirror. There's also derealization where reality looks strange or like it's not real. Anxiety can sometimes appear after the abuse of recreational drugs. Still, you should have your doctor check you to rule out any physical disease (don't spend a lot of money on this).