View Full Version : Sertraline/Zoloft newley pregnant :-?

09-05-2017, 01:35 PM
Hello. I found out this week i am pregnant with my first. Trouble is i am on 75mg of sertraline (generic of zoloft) Since i found out i have been slowly tappering down, now at about 62mg. The OBGYN doesnt see anyone until 8weeks. I called my GP and also the OBGYN and waiting to hear back on what I should do. I suffered from bad anxiety/panic dissorder on and off the last few years. I am terified of it harming my baby. I will take the advice of the doctors once i hear back from them but has anyone taken sertraline(zoloft) when they found out they were pregnant? Quick online searches so varrying reasarch. I know nothing is really safe during pregancny and i would love to be off of it but have been trying to get off it for a year without success. I am just so nervous about this and cannot wait to hear back from the doc on what i should do, i hope everything will be ok :'(