View Full Version : Hi I'm new

08-21-2017, 04:45 PM
Hi I'm new here. I posted before but for some reason it never showed up on the boards. My Dr wants me to see a mental Dr i have had bad experiences seeing them like get depressed after going to appointment. I like to go without feeling put on the spot judged or getting depressed after appointment to the point of thinking hurting myself or worse. I just want to feel better about myself.

08-21-2017, 04:56 PM
I recently moved to a new city with my husband. I have no friends here and it has been difficult because it has been my first move away from my parents. I miss my friends and my family. I miss my job. I am a stay at home wife I feel so ashamed and embarrassed that I don't have a real job. I have anxiety about leaving apartment and anxiety to the point I can't sleep afraid someone will break in but it is a safe area. My dad, says it is normal to be feeling this way because it is a life change but I don't know is it please give me advice. I feel like I'm not a good wife because I don't have a job to support my husband can't cook etc.

08-21-2017, 08:47 PM
Hi and welcome to AF :)