View Full Version : I'm terrified of going to work...

08-16-2017, 07:03 PM
I recently started working at a Target licensed Starbucks. As someone with anxiety, I honestly don't know why I expected to be able to work in such an environment. Ever since I started, they've thrown me into shifts alone when I'm not confident in my training and don't have enough experience to be comfortable alone. I open tomorrow and will be alone for a few hours and the past few days my anxiety has been eating me alive. I haven't been able to eat or sleep and I feel like I want to throw up all the time. Just the thought of going into work tomorrow makes me want to vomit. I'm terrified of going, but I don't really have any other options. My team lead doesn't seem very understanding and is quick to brush off my concerns. If I go tomorrow I'm honestly scared that I'll throw up or start crying, or both. I don't even want to step foot in the building. I think I need to quit because I'm terrified out of my mind. Please help me. I feel very stuck.

08-16-2017, 07:26 PM
Please at least try. I can promise you this, each day it will get better and easier. The fear you have of it is far worse than actually doing the job itself. Just focus on one minute at a time, then one hour at a time, and one day at a time.
I assure you that the more you do it, the easier it will become and the less you'll be afraid.

08-16-2017, 07:29 PM
Tell the customers, I'm sorry but I'm still new and in training and they will be very patient and nice to you. When I was scared to death to be a waitress, I told people that and they were so nice to me. I was SURE I had to quit and I could never be a waitress. But day by day i did it and I actually became a good one too. But I was TERRIFIED at the beginning. It got sooo much better and easier when I stuck with it.

08-17-2017, 10:27 AM
Tell the customers, I'm sorry but I'm still new and in training and they will be very patient and nice to you. When I was scared to death to be a waitress, I told people that and they were so nice to me. I was SURE I had to quit and I could never be a waitress. But day by day i did it and I actually became a good one too. But I was TERRIFIED at the beginning. It got sooo much better and easier when I stuck with it.

I didn't go in. I felt so sick. I told my team lead about my anxiety and she seemed pretty understanding but I could tell she wasn't happy about it. I know she's under a lot of stress because we're understaffed right now and I feel awful adding to her problems. She asked if I'd consider staying if I didn't have to open or close. I don't know what to do.

08-17-2017, 01:58 PM
Do yo REALLY want to work? If so, do you REALLY want to work at this place? Whats your main reason? Money? How passionate are you to really want this?

Just a few questions to help you reframe your current perspective. Reassessing can help to take us out of entrenched fear.

Whether you stay or go I hope your able to move on soon.

08-18-2017, 06:41 AM
Hi OvenBakedBread
I worked in retail a while back and can share a similar circumstance. The management didn't spend much time training me either, and so I made a lot of mistakes early on. But this is normal... I even told the customers that I'm new and they were very undertstanding.
The hardest thing is to start but once you do this, everything else will be easier

The Intolerable Kid
08-18-2017, 06:55 AM
I feel the same way, my anxiety skyrockets on sunday nights as I dread the coming monday. Just take things one at a time. Anne's advice about telling people you're new and asking for patience isn't a bad idea, you'll find there's a small portion of people capable of kindness. Good luck to you, I hope you discover it gets easier as you go.

08-22-2017, 11:45 AM
I feel the same way sometimes about my work. I work at a law firm which is fast paced and very very stressful at times. I love what I do but, I have recently had anxiety attacks super duper bad. I have to remind myself and say it out loud and over and over and over again that its all in your head. There is nothing wrong with the place it will all be ok its all in your head. I find that once I saw that and get myself psyched up once I am there my anxiety goes away because Its a place to where I feel safe and grounded. Hope this helps remember its all in your head