View Full Version : The scariest of all anxiety symptoms

jon mike
07-21-2017, 10:54 AM
Derealization symptoms are back after a lovely 6 year break. I had CBT, rid myself of most anxiety. February i had a horrible random panic attack the morning after a night out. Completely out of the blue, forgot all techniques and went to anxiety hell at full steam.
Currently I'm fearing the fear of derealization that i cant quite escape from. It's cycling my anxiety because i the awful thoughts and feelings. My house looks so different and it's the world's worst. I am winning through accepting it all over again. I just need some advice maybe on techniques, tips anything anyone think may help. Thanks

07-21-2017, 04:29 PM
Do you have a consistent sleep schedule? It passes :)

07-21-2017, 09:09 PM
"Currently I'm fearing the fear of derealization that i cant quite escape from. It's cycling my anxiety because i the awful thoughts and feelings."

I get derealisation quite often when I leave my house and I'm driving or going to shops. It's like my brain hasn't caught up and is going WTF? I find the best way to deal with it is to not think and just go with it. Easier said than done, I know, but nothing bad has ever happened while it's happening so I just trust it. If I'm driving I listen to music I love, turn the volume up and sing :) That turns the volume in my head down.

Gypsy x

jon mike
07-22-2017, 12:38 AM
Do you have a consistent sleep schedule? It passes :)

I have 7-8 hours a night never a problem sleeping as luckily my bed has turned into the one place where i seem to get relief from it. I exercise 4 times a week. Cut out coffee, cut out alcohol, it is fading but it comes in waves. I know it's the fear of it and the awareness of it that is activating my amygdala to set me off but I'm just struggling a little at keeping my cool when it arrives 😢

jon mike
07-22-2017, 12:48 AM
Thankyou. I have beat this once before. It will go permanently when i lower the anxiety. Lowering it in this frame of mind is the hard part. In 23 years off anxiety I've only had 3 bouts of it. The problem is it lasts months, years the first time, only since Feb this time but way too long x

07-22-2017, 10:15 PM
Thankyou. I have beat this once before. It will go permanently when i lower the anxiety. Lowering it in this frame of mind is the hard part. In 23 years off anxiety I've only had 3 bouts of it. The problem is it lasts months, years the first time, only since Feb this time but way too long x

I just call it "Zombie" lol and try to ignore it :)

jon mike
07-24-2017, 01:44 PM
I just call it "Zombie" lol and try to ignore it :)

I don't even think i have a word in my vocabulary to describe what i go through. Ive had anxiety issues on and off since i was 16. I only found out that derealization was even a thing 6 years ago. It is personal hell. Although i know it is definitely anxiety related at least i have the comfort of knowing that, i really feel for people who haven't found out that yet. Looking back when i first encountered it i remember thinking i had actually lost my mind completely. This forum helped me back then too i was very grateful 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

jon mike
07-24-2017, 01:45 PM
I'm now 39 by the way

07-24-2017, 03:29 PM
Yeah, it's amazing how debilitating anxiety can be. I'm at the extreme end of the spectrum it can be a living nightmare. Understanding what's going on in your body helps but for many years I didn't and just used alcohol and benzos to numb it, which becomes a living hell itself. I ended up in intensive care with alcoholic pancreatitis and now need daily insulin for diabetes. So I guess you could say I pushed it as far as I could :rolleyes:

jon mike
07-25-2017, 11:42 AM
Yeah, it's amazing how debilitating anxiety can be. I'm at the extreme end of the spectrum it can be a living nightmare. Understanding what's going on in your body helps but for many years I didn't and just used alcohol and benzos to numb it, which becomes a living hell itself. I ended up in intensive care with alcoholic pancreatitis and now need daily insulin for diabetes. So I guess you could say I pushed it as far as I could :rolleyes:

Well i hope you are happier now. Gratitude works for me when I am feeling ok. It won't be long before i can feel that again hopefully

07-25-2017, 02:44 PM
Well i hope you are happier now. Gratitude works for me when I am feeling ok. It won't be long before i can feel that again hopefully

That's the spirit. You've just identified something that works!

jon mike
07-26-2017, 03:28 PM
That's the spirit. You've just identified something that works!

Yes you are right. We have inate human traits in all of us. Being kind or grateful makes you feel at peace. That feeling of peace is good for the human race as a species. Everyone's a winner ☺

08-03-2017, 04:56 PM
Jon Mike you are correct. Derealization is the worst feeling in the world. I'm had a terrible anxiety attack about a week ago and still have that crappy spacey feeling. It's been about 4 years since I had an attack like this.
Today was pretty good I had times where I felt normal then the derealization feeling would come back. Work today was a lot better than yesterday. I feel pretty good now.

08-03-2017, 06:36 PM
Well i hope you are happier now. Gratitude works for me when I am feeling ok. It won't be long before i can feel that again hopefully

I am happier in general yeah. I still have bad times but I don't have to kill my feelings with booze. I do need meds though :)

08-04-2017, 02:52 PM
Derealization symptoms are back after a lovely 6 year break. I had CBT, rid myself of most anxiety. February i had a horrible random panic attack the morning after a night out. Completely out of the blue, forgot all techniques and went to anxiety hell at full steam.
Currently I'm fearing the fear of derealization that i cant quite escape from. It's cycling my anxiety because i the awful thoughts and feelings. My house looks so different and it's the world's worst. I am winning through accepting it all over again. I just need some advice maybe on techniques, tips anything anyone think may help. Thanks

What is CBT? It finally came to me one day that the reason I experience derealization or depersonalization is because I am alone too much. Nobody to talk to. I need to be desensitized by getting out of the house more. Even if it just means driving to the shopping center here in town and sitting in the parking lot in my car watching people go by. I try to get to the grocery store every day to just up an item or two just to get out of the house and desensitize myself. I think it's working but man it's a slow process.

jon mike
08-05-2017, 06:56 AM
What is CBT? It finally came to me one day that the reason I experience derealization or depersonalization is because I am alone too much. Nobody to talk to. I need to be desensitized by getting out of the house more. Even if it just means driving to the shopping center here in town and sitting in the parking lot in my car watching people go by. I try to get to the grocery store every day to just up an item or two just to get out of the house and desensitize myself. I think it's working but man it's a slow process.

CBT is short for cognitive behavioural therapy and it works. Yes getting out more will 100% help you. Get anything by Claire weekes she says things that really hit home with me. Good luck

jon mike
08-05-2017, 02:13 PM
CBT is short for cognitive behavioural therapy and it works. Yes getting out more will 100% help you. Get anything by Claire weekes she says things that really hit home with me. Good luck

This is a great read by the way. Very scientific and very matter of fact. I hope you can believe and apply this as it's so very right
