View Full Version : Alcohol and anxiety

07-12-2017, 02:32 PM
Hi everybody!

One might consider me as a rather fit individual. Anyway, I don't really drink very frequently but after a night of rather heavy drinking, next day I had a bad hangover, but it wasn't after a full day of that hangover when before going to bed I suddenly felt my feet and hands tingling, then my fingers cramped up and I was unable to speak properly because my tongue felt like cramped up aswell. It lasted atleast a few minutes. Ofcourse next day I was also kind of shaky. This was a few months ago. Now everytime I drink, next day I feel tightness in my upper left chest.

Any suggestions on what was happening with my brain and body that night, aswell later on with this tightness sensation? I know I should probably just stop drinking. :))

Thank you for your valuable time!

07-12-2017, 02:51 PM
Since you said you don't drink too often, you appear to have little tolerance built up, and that wouldn't help when suddenly drinking to excess :( You were experiencing the effects of low blood pressure from the alcohol, what with the shaking and cramping and such. Not eating enough with drinks doesn't do much good, too. The alcohol messed with your central nervous system, giving you the symptoms. Just rest and don't do it again :3 If you still feel bad after 2-3 days of rest, you could check with your doctor, but I'm sure you'll be fine :)

07-13-2017, 07:54 AM
I think sometimes Alcohol is one of the things that people experiencing anxiety go through.

07-15-2017, 02:03 PM
For me having 2-3 beers or 1-2 glasses of wine everyday really helps my anxiety.I am slightly agoraphobic and it helps me get out the house, but not to far.

07-15-2017, 08:45 PM
That's why lots of people like to drink, but it doesn't mean it's healthy for someone to build a dependency on alcohol either. I would suggest a slow weaning off of it by making alcohol less available to you. You don't stop completely, but instead you drink more slowly and buy less. Can you identify a specific reason for the phobia? Alcohol every day is not a sustainable solution. Identifying the root of the problem will help you find ways to fix it. Some ways to keep your mind from wandering is to make mental lists, solve puzzles, cook a new meal, and learn a new subject or language :)