View Full Version : Outdoor Holidays

06-28-2017, 04:04 PM
It's kinda far, but some stores are already stocking for Halloween! I guess it's just the next major holiday for most people. I started to think about what I was going to do that day just because. Luckily for me I don't have an anxiety about anything seriously bad happening even at night when I would say most of the festivities are happening depending on the age group since it's a weekday (Tuesday). For any of you who can't celebrate it on a weekday, the closest weekend is usually where people will host a lot of their stuff and even hand out candy if you feel up to it. Anyway, I wanted to know how you would manage on holidays like this where people tend to celebrate either exploring random places outside or facing strangers when giving out candy, or even if you plan on wearing a recognizable costume that people (including kids) will ask about. I've seen people have bowls just sitting on their porch with a sign asking to just take one candy and sometimes with an explanation that they were away on vacation or something. I guess the ways of celebrating things like this are diverse as people's personalities are, and watching a not-scary-at-all movie and going about your daily routine isn't too bad lol. Happy almost Fourth of July for those of you who celebrate it :)