View Full Version : Read this, It will help you a lot !

06-25-2017, 08:16 AM
First of all,to be clear, I'm not promoting this page for my own benefit or benefit of the owners, I'm also subscribed. Yea it's not free and its not expensive, I think you should give it a try for a 9$/month.

I will be short. The page is called anxietycentre.com and with a subscription of 9 dollars you will recieve all the fundamental knowledge and practice to beat this so called monster "anxiety". Trust me you will find no better page where they will serve you all the secrets of anxiety and all the research and knowledge gathered trough the years of experience with anxiety. I've only discovered this page by some other guy posting on this same forum, and at first i thought its just another scam for profit. Yea they do have profit but they give so much for 9 dollars. First you got this large book like guide starting from zero to all the tiny details about anxiety and whats going on with you. With it come all the strategies based on physiological and psychological practice. They themselves say full recovery from anxiety its a long road you gotta walk, but in the end if you are persistent, follow the ways they teach you ( its not some mystical and new discovery, they are simple yet difficult to achieve exercises and re-programing of the way we think) you will make it. They also cover free coaching and skype/phone calls for those 9 dollars. The maker of the page has his own story of a long struggle with anxiety in times when the disorder wasnt known much about. (80's 90's)

Again, I be damned if I am writing this only to suck extra 9 dollars out of your pockets. Cause myself am in deep shit like all of you and I was also desperate for clarification on this subject anxiety. Cause you can't beat the enemy u cannot see or identify. What better way to beat it than learn everything about it?

Afterall, perseverance in the face of fear and desperation is the key to sucess.

Write below if you have anymore questions, but I'm sure once you visit the page it will guide you itself.

06-25-2017, 09:44 AM
:D heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

06-25-2017, 04:05 PM
:D heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


06-25-2017, 07:15 PM


Boo Bass
06-26-2017, 06:44 AM
Hi Huan

I believe in the sincerity of your post having seen your reply to the guy peddling the stuff.

Unlike someone who publishes a book for general sale which you can look at and get unbiased reviews, this guy is asking for cash before you know what youre getting. To some of us that is profiting offa other people's misery.

Also, all the information you need about ways of ovErcoming anxiety can be found here if you look for it


06-26-2017, 06:19 PM

I'm happy to hear you gave the site a try and are finding it helpful! It has been instrumental in my recovery. Had I not found the site and learned what they taught me, I have no clue where I'd be today, and I don't want to know. Before I found anxietycentre, I truly believe I was close to death. Everyday was filled with pain and confusion. My symptoms were through the roof, and I didn't understand them and was convinced I had some mysterious illness that the doctors missed. There were several days the thoughts of suicide entered my mind. I'm happy to say though with the sites help, I'm about 80% recovered and I continue to improve as the weeks go by. My "highs" are getting higher and my "lows" are getting lower. It's a night and day difference compared to what I've gone through these past four years. If you would've told me not too long ago that I would feel this good and this normal by this point in time, I would've laughed in your face. I'd forgotten what feeling normal felt like.

I will tell you though, please, please, please remember this - you must be patient as your recover. Recovery will almost certainly not be a linear process. You will probably have some bad days. I've had my fair share, but it's often felt like two steps forward and one step back. This is typical with anxiety disorder recovery. It takes time for your body to recover.

I wish you nothing but the best as you recover from this! You can do it!


06-26-2017, 06:37 PM
Hi Huan

I believe in the sincerity of your post having seen your reply to the guy peddling the stuff.

Unlike someone who publishes a book for general sale which you can look at and get unbiased reviews, this guy is asking for cash before you know what youre getting. To some of us that is profiting offa other people's misery.

Also, all the information you need about ways of ovErcoming anxiety can be found here if you look for it


Boo Bass,

Hi, I'm the one who originally made the post recommending anxietycentre. One thing I'd like to mention - Yes, there is a fee involved. But like Huan said, when you look at the wealth of information on the site and how user friendly and helpful it is, you will probably think $9 is a bargain. I know I did. There is no other resource out there that I've found hat even comes close to what this site offers for anxiety sufferers. Also, if you aren't satisfied, there is a money back guarantee. For more detail on what comes with the $9, you can see on this link:


Also, there are close to probably around 100 reviews from others who have used the site here:


I can assure you, the staff there are good people. Jim Folk, the founder, is one of the kindest, most compassionate people I've ever met. As I told Huan before, I know you don't know me from Adam. You don't know if I'm a trsustworthy person or not, but if it's worth anything, I would not try to lead anyone astray here or profit off of your misery (I'm not profiting in any way by recommending anxietycentre on this forum and I am not in any way affiliated with the site). I care about you all on this forum who are suffering with anxiety day by day, month by month, year by year because I've been there and it was a living hell. I want want to help if I can.

Boo Bass
06-26-2017, 07:31 PM
Hi R2R

I know you respected member here so believe that site helped.

Im only speaking for mysdlf here, but I cant afford 9 ドル per month because I have no income and am in jail.

If you got time can you summarized here how to beat anxiety? It would be very helpful.
Of course you dont have to.

Thanks in advance


06-26-2017, 11:51 PM
I'm glad you got some sensible replies, Huan, lol :rolleyes:

06-28-2017, 09:11 AM
I dont get it, whats with the laugh above? :D Be more direct !

06-28-2017, 05:41 PM
Huan we know more than the 9 dollars can provide, We are laughing cause you are fishing for money
We had seen it before, like at least every two weeks.
We also have awesome people who share their resources and do not ask for money.......
what you joined two weeks ago and want to sell things. Come on , you should know better
We have many vultures coming here to pray on vulnerable people, very indecent. Nobody should spell it for you, if you had read some of people stories you would not posts the page

06-28-2017, 07:36 PM

With all due respect, how do you know that you and others on this forum know more than those on anxietycentre? Have you yourself given the site a try and seen the amount of helpful information that is provided? I have explored many, many different avenues over the course of my struggle with anxiety, and I can honestly say none have been anywhere near as helpful as what anxietycentre provides. Before I found the site, nearly every waking minute of my life was spent trying to find a way to solve my problem and overcome it. However, even with all of this effort put in, I seemed to be getting worse and worse. Anxietycentre helped me to understand how I developed my disorder, what it was and what it wasn't, and calmed some of my deepest fears with solid research and experience to back it up. All of the staff on anxietycentre has developed this disorder in their lives at some point AND overcame it. Jim Folk, the founder, had the disorder for over 12 years, but was able to overcome it and has returned to normal health and medication-free for over 25 years.

I have another question for you - and please let me know if I am mistaken or don't have all the facts here because I don't want to put words in your mouth and make false and unfair assumptions. Have you overcome your struggles with anxiety? It seems to me that you are still struggling, as a recent post you've made, you state that you have been taking medication (benzos) for decades and were having panic attacks last year. Now, I am also aware that there are some medically-related conditions that can mimic anxiety conditions. However, these are few and far between - definitely the exception and not the rule. It would seem to me that if your struggle with anxiety was not caused by medical conditions and you had the answers to overcoming anxiety, you would have been recovered by now. But it appears you are still struggling year after year.

You state you have anxiety related to trauma that occurred in your early childhood. I can believe that. Many people with anxiety disorders have developed unhealthy belief systems due to what they learned when they were young. Trauma, Abuse, over-protective parenting, and over-indulgent parenting are all very common underlying factors that play a big role in many developing the disorder. For me - my parents spoiled me as a child. My older brother had cancer that caused some learning problems growing up from the chemotherapy, and my mother tried to help by essentially doing most of his homework for him out of fear he would flunk out. Out of habit, my mother approached me the same way. She did most of my homework for me, didn't discipline me, didn't let me think for myself much, didn't give me chores. She did it all for me. Under the surface though, that caused me to develop beliefs about myself such as "I'm not good enough by myself - I always have to have someone to help me", "It's okay to be lazy", "I don't have to think for myself" and "I don't have to take responsibility for things", etc. When I go back and look at my life, I've had this approach to life for my life's entirety until recently. I developed a very negative self-esteem about myself, not even believing I was strong enough to control my thoughts and behaviors. I was easily manipulated growing up because of these beliefs. Anxietycentre was able to help me identify this underlying factor and others as well. I've worked hard at it, and I have slowly changed my belief systems. My disorder is slowly starting to fade away as my body recovers and I'm not triggering anxiety responses by my unhealthy ways of thinking.

Also, there is a money back guarantee to anxietycentre. There is nothing to lose here. I believe Huan is in the same boat as I am in. He truly wants to help anxiety sufferers find a resource that can help them. He is not trying to scam you. Believe me - I understand the pain that this disorder causes. I nearly committed suicide because the symptoms were so intense and crippling. It turned me into a person I hated and didn't even recognize. Someone who was walking around in body, but not in mind - afraid of nearly everything - even my wife, family, and friends I've had for over 20 years. We want to help! In the end though, it's all up to those reading it to make that decision. I can't force you to do anything you don't want to do...all I can do is my best to influence you.

I am sure there are many people that have come on here before that are truly trying to steal other peoples' money. I am not one of those people. All I want to do is help, because I know what you're going through, and it's hell. I want to help. Bottom line.

06-28-2017, 07:38 PM
Boo Bass,

Yes, please give me some time to type a message to you. It will probably be lengthy. I will try to get it to you as soon as I can.

Boo Bass
06-28-2017, 08:30 PM
Hi R2R

Thanks for your reply. As I said before, you don't need to give one, especially if it requires a long answer.

Thanks for your consideration


06-28-2017, 08:35 PM
yes RTR I do take benzo and I would not describe it as struggling. I am probably the oldest person on this forum. you do not survive right now is about 55 years with anxiety if you do not have some skills ......... The only thing beside benzo that help to control it better is meditation. That I do for years, and it saved me. For some people it is listening the music they love, for another is their hobby.......... you are on forum from November 2016 and I did not see you very active. To answer your question "do you have the ocean of information and excetera;
You should definitely read the stickies on this forum, with a lot of links to helpful sites ; FREEEEEEE sites.
wowwwwwwww I am 4 years here, time flies
Do not try to be a psychologist, my trauma has nothing to do with family......... :) BTW I do not want to be a bearer of bad news but if you have "disorder" anxiety disorder , it is not going to be cured, Do not let yourself to even think it, You can learn to respond to stress, and that all. There is not miracle cure but there is a lot we can do to help ourselves . :) good luck in your journey to good health
I actually like your story about overprotective mother. I am the was the one ,.........yeah it can be difficult to deal with it,
I am happy you are here not to steel people money but help them for a fee, Fair enough

06-28-2017, 11:21 PM
I dont get it, whats with the laugh above? :D Be more direct !

Dahila makes me laugh, that's all :)

This is when the lack of moderation comes in very handy you see - when I look at the forum and can't be f'ed composing a rational reply but I just have to express my amusement :rolleyes:

06-29-2017, 01:46 AM
yes RTR I do take benzo and I would not describe it as struggling. I am probably the oldest person on this forum. you do not survive right now is about 55 years with anxiety if you do not have some skills ......... The only thing beside benzo that help to control it better is meditation. That I do for years, and it saved me. For some people it is listening the music they love, for another is their hobby.......... you are on forum from November 2016 and I did not see you very active. To answer your question "do you have the ocean of information and excetera;
You should definitely read the stickies on this forum, with a lot of links to helpful sites ; FREEEEEEE sites.
wowwwwwwww I am 4 years here, time flies
Do not try to be a psychologist, my trauma has nothing to do with family......... :) BTW I do not want to be a bearer of bad news but if you have "disorder" anxiety disorder , it is not going to be cured, Do not let yourself to even think it, You can learn to respond to stress, and that all. There is not miracle cure but there is a lot we can do to help ourselves . :) good luck in your journey to good health
I actually like your story about overprotective mother. I am the was the one ,.........yeah it can be difficult to deal with it,
I am happy you are here not to steel people money but help them for a fee, Fair enough

Oh how this forum has missed you D! I really don't know how it gets along without you. :)

06-29-2017, 05:49 AM
D I had to respond to it, and from time I need to see friendly faces :)

06-29-2017, 10:22 AM
I don't know if you can see my history of posts, If u see it you will realize I ain't fishing for anything. Those 9 dollars on the site are refundable if you are not pleased with their services. I've also discovered for their coaching and skype sessions they tax you 99$/hour which I cannot afford. If you would have read the 9 dollars included texts there you will be amazed of the things you didn't know about anxiety. As far as I am concerned, healing myself atm is my primary concern. On the opposite of your story and how you couldn't remove anxiety from your life( I am sorry that u cannot, I wish you could) there are many stories of people making trough. I do not force anyone to join there, I myself am looking for a cure and I stumbled upon something that seems legit to me. AGAIN, 9 DOLLARS are REFUNDABLE if you are UNHAPPY with the services.

06-29-2017, 12:41 PM
Huan if you are trying to convince me; Please do not. I am old and stubborn and set my own ways and I know so much how to manage it, I will not pay even one cent for this :) greetings :)

06-29-2017, 01:50 PM
Not at all! Just dont brand me as a sly dog trying to sell dust to people who have real problems. I do have them too, right now. I just had 2.5mg lorazepam.

06-29-2017, 02:27 PM
yes RTR I do take benzo and I would not describe it as struggling. I am probably the oldest person on this forum. you do not survive right now is about 55 years with anxiety if you do not have some skills ......... The only thing beside benzo that help to control it better is meditation. That I do for years, and it saved me. For some people it is listening the music they love, for another is their hobby.......... you are on forum from November 2016 and I did not see you very active. To answer your question "do you have the ocean of information and excetera;
You should definitely read the stickies on this forum, with a lot of links to helpful sites ; FREEEEEEE sites.
wowwwwwwww I am 4 years here, time flies
Do not try to be a psychologist, my trauma has nothing to do with family......... :) BTW I do not want to be a bearer of bad news but if you have "disorder" anxiety disorder , it is not going to be cured, Do not let yourself to even think it, You can learn to respond to stress, and that all. There is not miracle cure but there is a lot we can do to help ourselves . :) good luck in your journey to good health
I actually like your story about overprotective mother. I am the was the one ,.........yeah it can be difficult to deal with it,
I am happy you are here not to steel people money but help them for a fee, Fair enough


Thank you for the encouragement regarding my recovery and your reply. You state you've been dealing with anxiety for over 55 years now. I can only look at you with a great deal of admiration and respect. I'm not sure of the degree of your anxiety, but if it anywhere near what I was going through, I admire you greatly for persevering for such a long period of time. It would take a very, very strong person to do that. I cannot say for myself that I believe I could've endured my symptoms for that long, as I was feeling suicidal after just going through it for four years.

Regarding your statement about me trying to be a psychologist - no, I am no psychologist and I'm not trying to be one. However, in my quest to return to the healthy person I once was, I have spent a great deal of time learning about anxiety. What I have learned is that all chronic anxiety sufferers (not caused by medical reasons) have unhealthy learned behaviors at their core. These belief systems cause us to behave apprehensively for too often, which causes our bodies to release stress hormones into our bloodstreams too often. Over time, this can turn into a disorder. Our bodies become "hyperstimulated" and start producing many symptoms on their own. Most people worry about these symptoms, which in turn causes our bodies to produce more hormones, and then the cycle repeats itself. It's like pouring gasoline on a fire. Most chronic anxiety sufferers get trapped this way, and so did I. Your parents may not have caused your trauma, but the fact that you did experience some sort of trauma at a young age tells me that this probably caused you to develop some unhealthy thinking patterns about yourself and/or the world that caused significant anxiety. This is common for those who suffer from trauma.

I am happy to hear that meditation has helped you over the years. I do the same each day, only I call it "relaxing my body". Meditation/relaxing is very beneficial to our bodies and minds. In fact, this is one of the silver bullets to eliminating a hyperstimulated body. However, if we haven't dealt with our underlying unhealthy thinking patterns, we will always struggle with anxiety disorder because unhealthy thinking is at the root of anxiety disorders. And yes, stress reduction is how we calm our bodies down over time - through relaxation, listening to music, taking a warm bath, exercise, enjoying a hobby, avoiding caffeine, and many many other ways. These are all beneficial to the body, but again - if we don't resolve our underlying unhealthy thinking patterns and beliefs, we will continue to struggle.

Yes, I am not extremely active on these forums, but I try to help when I can.

I disagree wholeheartedly that it is not possible to recover from an anxiety disorder. You may not have recovered from yours yet, but just because you haven't doesn't mean it is not possible. I know of many, many people that have overcome anxiety disorder and returned to normal health without the use of medication. I see it all the time with sufferers on anxietycentre as they work out their recovery. It is just a matter of having the right information, help dedication, and support. I don't believe you have all the information here Dahila. You have a belief system that "it's not possible to overcome anxiety disorder and return to normal health". What would you say to those who have gone from having panic attacks every day, depersonalization, brain fog, extreme fatigue, muscle tension, tingling in heir hands and feet, crazy thoughts, and all the other symptoms that anxiety disorders can cause, to not experiencing any of them anymore? How is that not recovery? Would you tell these people that Its all in their head?

You also say that you are "old and set in your ways". Maybe this is the problem that needs to be corrected.

Yes, you cannot get rid of anxiety period, nor do we want to. Anxiety is built in all of us, and it can be a good thing. Anxiety alerts us in times of danger, such as if a car is speeding head on towards us and getting ready to hit us. It prepares our bodies and minds for action. Anxiety is different from an anxiety disorder though, where anxiety disorder causes symptoms to impact us and impede with our normal lifestyles. This is what we can recover from. This what I have nearly recovered from after many years of struggling. It is not all in my head.

06-29-2017, 04:55 PM
Thanks it is a nice reply, very warm, Thanks. Well I had to add that I was very , very sick child having asthma attacks daily sometimes twice, it was based on allergies. The medications they gave me added to anxiety, ie Ephedrine is causing a lot of side effects, It was just one of them. I took tons. Constant stay in hospitals that did not even have children ward, did not help at all. I am dealing with my anxiety. It was much worse. You have no idea how bad. Meditation was a tool that help me to raise my kids. I am very strong. I am not doubts about it.
With the age comes understanding, cause you observe yourself for so long...... I had
I do believe that anxiety disorder Not to mistake with occasional anxiety every one have in stressful situation, ; you learn to better respond, to control the stress you allowed yourself to be exposed.
My salvation are my hobbies my books, this forum helped me a lot, a lot. Seeing that you are not alone in struggle ; helps
Control and not control let the anxiety come and let it go, it does not change anything. Easy to say, difficult to do. Practise made a master, in anxiety wars too. You are going to get better, you are determined, that's the most important Determination and , being kind to yourself :) We tend to be our worst judges.
Good luck RTR as you noticed English is my second language, so forgive so many grammar mistakes ;)

06-29-2017, 09:57 PM
tờ 2 usd hình con chó - tiền lì xì tết HOT 2018

06-29-2017, 10:21 PM
k there mister we have 2 kids on the beach hot 2018 k

06-30-2017, 06:20 AM

06-30-2017, 10:52 PM
k there mister we have 2 kids on the beach hot 2018 k

If that's the translation, is this some pedo spam??

07-01-2017, 05:49 AM
Either that or some really cringe bot that happened to generate that weirdo string ;(

07-01-2017, 06:27 AM
I'm not sure D implied one cannot recover from an anxiety disorder, although I have not read all the text in here. I only speak up for D because I know well the context that D speaks from when implying that one cannot be CURED from Anxiety. I completely agree with the latter as anxiety is inherent in all of us. It's not the big monster most people make it out to be. Sure ... it's disabling - but to speak of it as some kind of disease, well that's just creating one's own suffering. Anxiety is as natural as the hair on our bodies. Only trouble is, we live in a world that is constantly trying to do away with the natural order of things.

07-01-2017, 10:59 AM
Either that or some really cringe bot that happened to generate that weirdo string ;(

We get ones like that from time to time. The translations I often find amusing. Is a shame we cant lock em all in one room and write them off as no more than a quizz game.

07-01-2017, 01:01 PM
Haha they're crazy

07-01-2017, 01:05 PM
Whatever has helped you is great!

Barong Baj Baj
07-01-2017, 04:49 PM
They mad haha

07-09-2017, 04:35 AM
I've also discovered that further on the page there is personal coaching for beating the "underlying factors" or the root of the anxiety and it costs shitload i cannot afford, 99$/hour. I'm going to root it out myself with the knowledge i posses. Although they're right about one thing, you need a psychotherapist that's been trough anxiety and has bolstered knowledge about it. 90% of the psychs cannot guide you right, they either perscribe meds or give poor answers and solutions about your problem.
I am convinced that all the chapters they've written are somewhat 70-80% true. It all seem logical, even concerning the root of anxiety disorder. I don't force any of you to pay those 9$, I'm subscribed there 2nd month now.

07-09-2017, 07:39 AM
I've also discovered that further on the page there is personal coaching for beating the "underlying factors" or the root of the anxiety and it costs shitload i cannot afford, 99$/hour. I'm going to root it out myself with the knowledge i posses. Although they're right about one thing, you need a psychotherapist that's been trough anxiety and has bolstered knowledge about it. 90% of the psychs cannot guide you right, they either perscribe meds or give poor answers and solutions about your problem.
I am convinced that all the chapters they've written are somewhat 70-80% true. It all seem logical, even concerning the root of anxiety disorder. I don't force any of you to pay those 9$, I'm subscribed there 2nd month now.

No you do not need psych, but you need a psychiatrist to prescribe "safety blanket" meds, the rest you can do your self, For freeeeeee :) greetings

07-09-2017, 03:26 PM
Info that comes with a price lacks true healing power in so many ways. It to is like a blanky thats leaves many unable to regulate for themselves.

07-09-2017, 05:12 PM
Info that comes with a price lacks true healing power in so many ways. It to is like a blanky thats leaves many unable to regulate for themselves.

Ponder, I respectfully disagree with these comments. There are times in life where quality information and help come with a price. I'll make an analogy. If we are experiencing a physiological problem, such as sickness, we go to the doctor. It is not free - doctors must be paid for their services because they have spent years upon years studying and learning the knowledge it takes to help others. We can choose not to go to the doctor and try to resolve the physical problem on our own, but healing will be harder, if not impossible to attain.

Jim Folk (founder of anxietycentre) used to own a business in the automotive industry. He struggled with anxiety disorder for about 12 years, but through hard work, he was able to eliminate his anxiety disorder once he found the correct information and applied it. He decided to quit his business in the automotive industry and focus solely on helping others with anxiety disorder. He started anxietycentre, which is now his occupation that he devotes all of his working time towards. It is a quality site with quality and credible information. I would guess there are probably around 1,000 pages of very helpful information contained there, and very easy to read and understand. There are also probably 50-75+ hours of audio recordings from group Skype sessions that have been recorded over the years that you can listen to. Should Jim not be compensated for this help and these resources? If he quit his job and focuses on helping others with anxiety disorder, and provides quality help, the man has to earn something to be able to support himself. People have to make a living somehow. And I think most people would agree if they saw the members area of the site just how little $9 actually is for what you get for it.

In my personal case, anxietycentre is not a "blanky" that left me unable to regulate for myself or lacking in healing power. Actually, I'd say it was the exact opposite. Before I found the site, I spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours trying to find healing from my disorder. I read many books, internet articles, talked on forums, saw several different psychologists, medication, etc - and nothing truly helped heal me. In fact, after spending about four years of my life basically only focusing on trying to get better, I was getting worse. Why? The information I learned from the books and sites was either not true or only on piece of the puzzle. I didn't understand that there were areas of my life that were contributing to my disorder that I needed to change. Knowledge is power when it comes to recovery from anxiety disorder and I didn't have all of the necessary information.

Anxietycentre helped to equip me with the tools and knowledge I previously didn't have. This knowledge I possess now has "set me free" from this disorder. I would say I'm almost completely healed from this disorder because of the help they gave me. I can now regulate for myself because of what I now know.

Quality help sometimes comes with a price. If I had to do it all over again, I easily would. It's been worth it and so much more. I just considered it as an investment in myself. And once again, I'd like to mention there is a money back guarantee on the $9 if you aren't satisfied with their services.

07-10-2017, 08:50 AM
well at least you are selling it in very polite way, I still do not believe that there is cure for anxiety (anxiety is natural) but people can learn to respond better to stress. If they feel better paying the price for it, let them...
There was a guy in UK I am not sure I remember the name lynden or something like that , he made a lot of money on people, I had his system and it was just making me laugh , His visualisation and guided meditation were copy of the ones you can access on youtube for free, The guys sold so many books claiming that NHS is recommending him to patients. Now shooos nothing about him. The fraud is always a fraud, he is not all over internet anymore, .......... everyone who is trying to make money on people misery Especially mental misery is going to fail eventually, but before that he is going to make a lot of money on naive people.
If I wanted to make money I would also chose such shady topic as anxiety ...........it is so easy to access the tools on internet and use it to get paid
Anxiety disorder is not curable
It is the same as quitting smoking; you quit but you are going to be smoker that does not smoke to the end of your life.

07-10-2017, 09:35 AM
I've noticed you are very stubborn and you will accept the truth only by your perspective. Be more realistic. We all carry anxiety in us, its a natural defense response. Disorder however, comes from accumulation of certain unhealthy things, whether is bowel syndrome disorder, or anxiety disorder. Disorder is imbalance in the system and it can come back to order, just it takes a lot of effort, will and dedication to mend it. I have IBS irritable bowel syndrome. It was in pretty bad condition 2-3 years ago. I've been patient and I've been treating it for a year even more. Partly the meds did the work and partly the body itself healed. I got no issues with it anymore. Thought I stopped eating chilli stuff. I know u want to help but you are too pessimistic. I know anxiety won't go away, I don't expect it to go away, I just want to settle my OVERLY anxious brain down. I can remember I've been feeling anxious numerous times in my life. Difference is back then I wasn't overstimulated due to 2-3 months of panic attacks and great fear I've been through. I just assumed its just a normal reaction to things and it used to pass quickly and I was back to normal. It has passed over 1 year and two months now and I'm still fighting. I won't give up though. I won't just settle down with this poor quality of living. I've been feeling much worse and I've been feeling good over the past year. Now somehow that anxiety cloud is back over me, but I won't be explaining why its back. It's all a natural reaction and hypersensitive nervous system atm. I will give myself time and calm down.
And can we get over the fact I'm just another mortal and I'm not selling anything? :D