11-09-2008, 02:32 PM
I have been on 10/mg of generic prozac for quite a few months now. I had been getting it from Walgreens but this month I decided to try Walmart since that drug is on their $4 list ($4/30-day supply). I noticed right away that the pills looked different and that's because they are made by a different company than the ones I got at Walgreens, however, I didn't think too much of it. Well, almost 3 weeks into taking the Walmart version, my anxiety has increased noticeably. I'm to the point where I HAVE to be doing something, preferably physical like cleaning the house because when I stop I start to feel....off and that causes anxiety. Could it be a problem with the new drugs??? I'm starting to get into the cycle of worrying that there's something more serious wrong with me :cry: Anyone have any experience with this???