View Full Version : brain fog, anyone?

11-09-2008, 10:16 AM
3 months ago, what started out as just being nervous about a few job interviews, snowballed into an anxiety disorder. since, i have developed a case of brain fog. I get really confused, disorientated, forgetfull and feel just plain stupid.like my mind is stuck in slow motion. i also have trouble at times thinking of the correct words to say, and think im gonna be slurring if i talk.I have gone to the ER 3 times because i keep thinking i have a disease or infection.cat scan and blood work were all ok. I have been on ativan since this started. It does calm me down, but seems to increase my forgetfullness. My doc put me on celexa 2 weeks ago also.

Im just curious if other people have experienced this brain fog? I think it is just a really hightened state of anxiety. it goes away at times, but only for a few minutes.

11-09-2008, 11:54 AM
I get this a little bit...i relate it to my derealization symptoms...feeling unreal and detached from the world. I dont so much have a bad memory as feel though my memories arent quite real, like they're not really my memories. As far as i understand it its all tied in to tiredness of the mind brought around by the constant rumination and introspection done by anxiety sufferers. In short, with rest and relaxation, with the dimishing amount of energy that will result in recovery from anixety disorders this 'brain fog' will alleviate. The fact that it isn't with you constantly illustrates that its nothing too serious. I'd even hazard a guess that you only really suffer from this when you think about it...when ou're distracted you probably don't notice it...but when you scan for it you find it?

11-09-2008, 02:47 PM
yes, i get that derealization feeling also. i havent started the new job yet, so ive just been lounging around, so i guess that is making it worse. I have to be in a really, really relaxed state of mind for it to go away(which i think is my "normal" state).Im still somewhat new to this anxiety thing, so its hard to take my mind off of it right now. I think im gonna look into meditation.

11-09-2008, 02:55 PM
Yeah, meditation is a good one...although its quite hard to get the hang of! I find that anything that distracts me helps an awful lot, particularly reading...which in a sense can be considered a sort of meditation. The thing is with anxiety is that you get a sort of heightened awareness of self and surroundings, you tend to over examine whats happening inside and out, so stuff takes on a different feel...its like an altered sense of reality. This includes mental and cognitive processes that you usually dont think about, hence the feeling of brain fog. You'll be fine...try looking into cbt alongside meditation. Also have a long hard look at your diet...nutrition seems to play an important part in lots of peoples anxiety.
Keep us posted...let is know how you get on...

11-11-2008, 07:48 AM
I get brain fog sometimes Especially when i'm talking to people and start worrying that i'm going to say something stupid or weird, or start analysing my thoughts and feelings and wondering if they're normal. I know stupid and im being daft but it doesn't stop my mind racing. Then i feel all tired and dizzy from all the stressing and start feeling disconnected. Most of the time i'm fine though. Its just all the over analysing all of the time that does my head in. :?