View Full Version : How representative are internet trolls of people in general?

03-13-2017, 12:24 AM
I put this in social phobia cause Youtube (and other toxic comment sections) make me afraid of people. I know people dismiss places on the internet as cesspools of human stupidity and not to take them that seriously. But those names aren't just names on a screen. They're people out there in the real world with families, jobs (presumably) and it makes me wonder what the seemingly nice members of the community are really like deep down. For instance, I've never heard anyone utter an anti-Semitic statement in public even once (I'm not Jewish, for the record, but I do think Jews are awesome) yet on Youtube look up any Jew-related video and behold the Nurumberg rally taking place below. I'm not so sure these are fringes. I think people really are this way, they just don't show us this side in public.

03-13-2017, 05:21 AM
It may be difficult to determine what people may actually be like outside of what we see them at the workplace, gym, etc.
Their was a woman who worked at a client of mine who I never knew was an alcoholic, as I never saw that side of her. She always
did a fine job and was always very coherent. Their is an old saying which goes, things are not always as they appear.

03-13-2017, 05:52 PM
Hi Kudzu :)

I'm fascinated by this sort of thing. I think the internet shows you the darker side of people because they can be more anonymous and less responsible for their actions. Then there are the real trolls, who are quite sadistic and enjoy hurting others (I'm talking about the type who troll memorial pages on Facebook for children who have died or something). They also compete with each other ie. it's an actual subculture.

So I guess I'm just agreeing with you when you say you think people really are this way and just don't show it in public - people are very sheep-like in my opinion, so they think "hey I can be my real arsehole self here!" I read somewhere that social media is a reflection of an increasingly narcissistic society.

Gypsy x

03-28-2017, 09:25 AM
This is an excellent question.

I'm afraid of making my own youtube channel because I know there are nasty trolls who love to tear down anyone for anything. I'm tempted to say there are actually a lot of people like that but you aren't likely to meet them. However, when I go out socializing I usually meet normal friendly people who wouldn't need to troll and criticize people online. Trolls often lack the social skills to successfully interact with others. They stay hidden and try to spread pain online. Can you imagine someone really successful like Elon Musk leaving a nasty, rude comment on your youtube channel? It wouldn't make any sense! successful people don't need to tear others down. If anything they are living from abundance and want to share their value with others.

So to answer your question, yeah there are lots of unfortunate trolls out there, but you are more likely to meet sociable people outside.