View Full Version : Hi New Member Here

03-05-2017, 08:32 AM
Hello everyone, really was fighting with myself about joining but depressed times calls for depressed measures and its something I just can not deal with alone anymore. After losing my mother 4 years ago and then losing my father last year life is just so hard. Its hard to think straight and positive, one minute I am happy and the plane crash and all I see is fire before my eyes and sadness. I try to maintain and stay strong for my family, I tried to talk about it to my wife and its just hard for her to understand. So I am just here feeling alone, helpless, no hope, and tired of it. I hope to make friends here, even if not friends just someone to talk to that truly understand this battle. Sorry for putting so much on the plate early. Just for a few sec I have a slight relief while typing this.

03-05-2017, 10:36 AM
Hi and welcome :)

I'm sorry to hear about your parents - that sounds hard. I lost my younger brother to drugs 3 years ago (he was only 33) and it's just this hole that never really goes away. The other night I was really low and wrote a list of all the things getting to me and realised that my brother's death was the only permanent thing there. In a way, that helped, but yeah it's one thing you just can't change.

All the best,
Gypsy x

03-06-2017, 06:20 AM
Welcome to the forum. In a years time frrom 2012-2013, my mother, father and uncle all passed away and it was no fun to
deal with.

03-07-2017, 07:52 PM
Welcome. I'm sorry for your loss and that sounds incredibly hard to deal with. I hope you can find more people to talk to about the sadness and difficulty. Therapy is good for that if that's not already something you're doing. Remember you are not alone!

03-09-2017, 07:47 AM
I have also experienced a lot of loss in my life! My mother when I was 26....my brother, which was very unexpected and traumatic....my sister and my father. Death is extremely difficult and the grieving process is unique for everyone and very, very painful! I would suggest you find a support group where other people know exactly what you have been through and will be there to support you through this difficult time!! If you experience a slight relief while typing this...I think a support group will help you tremendously! Just remember, you are never alone! Personally speaking, my faith in God gets me through tough times because I truly believe this life is temporary and fleeting.....and there will be a blessed reunion! Talk to someone! Do not walk this path alone! Life is sacred and you deserve to live it happily! Seek support and begin to heal! I will keep you in my prayers!

03-09-2017, 02:30 PM
I also lost my mother due to brain and lung cancer and recently lost my mother in law as well .You are more then welcome to message me when you need to talk we might help each other .