View Full Version : Vent-and any herb advice?

02-13-2017, 03:07 PM
My anxiety and depression are so annoying!

I have this almost constant fear...I think its mostly of going crazy. I can't explain it very well. I've been worried for the past month or so that I'm going to go crazy and have to be institutionalized or something. For awhile I was plagued with intrusive thoughts (worried about harming someone or myself) but they've gotten better since I've stopped taking Wellbutrin thank God.

I feel like most people here have anxiety attacks but mine is more generalized anxiety, and it surrounds mainly myself. I don't get panic attacks. I can't get out of my own head! For example, my daughter is having her tonsils out this week. You would think I would be a nervous wreck. I am nervous, but I also trust in God that everything will be ok. I'm not sure why I can't trust in God that I will be ok! But i just have this general ill at ease feeling. When I'm feeling semi-normal, I start wondering when am I going to feel bad again? I just look around at everyone else and feel like they are so much more normal than me, but the rational me knows that isn't true.

Does anyone have mood swings? Like I have a million a day, going between being anxious/depressed to being "ok". Very rarely am I "happy" these days. I can talk myself out of being really anxious but then it rears its ugly head a few minutes later. Its so frustrating not to mention exhausting. When I get the thoughts of worrying about losing control, I do what my therapist says and tell myself: "these are just thoughts. Nothing else. They can't harm me".

I called my psychiatrist today (I am also seeing a psychologist for CBT) and told her I want to stop my meds. I take 30 mg of lexapro. The more I'm reading (esp from anxietycentre.com) meds may not be the way to go. (I've taken 20 mg for a long time and she just upped to 30). She also suggested some herbs. I'm taking inositol, GABA, magnesium, and some B vitamins. Does anyone know anything about this?
She said let's try the lexapro for a month along with exercise, meditation, therapy, etc. I feel like I'm trying everything and I'm just tired!

Thanks for letting me vent.

02-13-2017, 08:55 PM
Hey there :)

I haven't read much on anxietycentre but what I did read sounded a bit conspiracy theory-ish (re meds and the pharmaceutical industry). That put me off because even though there are certainly flaws in the pharma industry, there are just as many flaws in the "natural medication" industry. I was sitting at the chemist waiting for a script yesterday, looking at literally aisles full of supplements, vitamins, herbs etc. I have a business degree and thought "that stuff is big business". It's not cheap either and at least pharmaceuticals are subsidised by the government.

So I'd just be careful with ANYTHING that makes dramatic claims regarding anxiety. I take meds as well as supplements and seem to be on a pretty even keel at the moment. I don't like to recommend anything in particular though because I have no idea what's helping and what isn't.

I actually think venting and connecting with other people trumps all meds and supplements, so your post in itself is probably more helpful than any herbs! :)