View Full Version : The Absolute Fundamental Logic to Grasp To Get Rid of Anxiety

01-23-2017, 11:03 PM
[I]I am referring to the type of anxiety I had which is frequent panic attacks and massive fearful anxiety triggered at the finest things.

I think some people here are missing some key fundamentals that MUST be grasped to really get better. I hope I can illustrate it here clearly. People with anxiety use tricks to fool themselves into staying in their safe spaces with safe people and avoiding things that trigger the anxiety. Here is the basic logic I used to get better and many of you will also get great results if you at least first understand this logic:

You don't get better AND THEN you do normal things. You get better by working through the anxiety. So what you need to do is pretend you do not have anxiety and just do the things you would do IF you did not have it. As soon as you say, "I want to go shopping, but because I have anxiety I'd be more comfortable if I just stayed home and watched TV" you are feeding the anxiety. You should think, "If I didn't have anxiety, I would go shopping, so a much as it will trigger me, that is the reason why I must go shopping." You go shopping BECAUSE you have anxiety about shopping. This is just an example, maybe shopping isn't a problem with you. But act as if you do not have anxiety, and when you tell yourself you can't do something because of anxiety, that is the sign to go ahead and do it. At least try to do it, or maybe do it part way or something.

Just keep trying to work through it, not avoid it. Avoiding due to anxiety is not how you get better, it further trains you brain to shape your life around anxiety. You need to retrain your brain that shopping will not kill you and that comes by going shopping, having it triggered, and doing a method such as my Quick Guide to Stopping Panic Attacks up in the stickies and getting past it. Even if you enter the store, and 10 seconds later you run out, those 10 seconds are way better than staying home. Next time do 20 seconds, next time 3 minutes, etc. If you can just power through a normal amount of time, than all the better.

You are in a battle with limitations you have told your mind to accept. But these limitations are fake. Not wanting to walk around a bad dangerous neighborhood at night alone is not fake. There is a real reason to avoid doing this. To use the shopping example again, avoiding buying new shoes because your mind tells you you are incapable of handling such a task is fake. It is real you may have major anxiety, but if you go past the anxiety there is no real limitation. So you go shop for shoes, the anxiety comes, and you let go, allow it to pass, and then you just trained your brain that you do not need to run to a safe space, you survived. The safe space is fake! What the hell is so safe about being alone in your home anyway? Surely being in public is safer if we think of emergencies. The shoe store is not a danger, it's just a fake reality your mind is accepting as real, and the way to fix this is go to the shoe store and shop for shoes and work through it.

And finally, learn to lose the fear of having anxiety. After 100s of anxiety or panic attacks, it is a bit strange to fear what you have had so many times already. There needs to be some type of who cares if you have anxiety anyway attitude.

The most important thing first, is to fully understand the logic behind this and get into the right mindset so you can apply all these things we are talking about here.

Read this again if you need to until you fully understand the core logic to getting a proper overcoming anxiety program going.

Good luck!

01-24-2017, 03:53 PM
I think this is mostly 100% spot on. However, sometimes the thing people love to do is "stressful".

For example I used to play poker. But I always found it to be stressful. Playing poker would not be good for my recovery. So I avoid it. But I do lead a fairly normal life, go out to eat, watch movies, chat with friends as much as I can.

01-26-2017, 10:08 PM
Basically, instead of thinking you must get better first before you can live a normal life, you get better by forcing yourself to live a normal life to the best of your ability, and working through the anxiety while doing that. It is different from having a fever or being sick, where you have to rest and get better before you can do stuff. With anxiety, you get better by doing normal stuff and working through the anxiety.

01-27-2017, 12:27 AM

"Wait... is there a way to delete my account? I've been reading some of "PanicCured"s articles and they seem like 1) he's the Big Dude here and 2) what he says is utter hogwash. Like, seriously. I'd like to see some of his sources that aren't "I took a bunch of supplements and I dunno but now I'm cured". What kind of snake oil is this place??"

01-27-2017, 03:18 PM
Something like poker that is stressful by nature might not be good during anxiety recovery because the body will struggle to distinguish the increased heart rate etc as being "part of the game". Same goes to avoiding stimulants or doing intense exercise which increases the heart rate. If it mimics anxiety the body can easily get confused so it may be best to stay away from poker in that regard. If you're avoiding it for irrational reasons, being around people for example, like PanicCured says its best you just go ahead and do it anyway!!

01-27-2017, 03:51 PM

"Wait... is there a way to delete my account? I've been reading some of "PanicCured"s articles and they seem like 1) he's the Big Dude here and 2) what he says is utter hogwash. Like, seriously. I'd like to see some of his sources that aren't "I took a bunch of supplements and I dunno but now I'm cured". What kind of snake oil is this place??"

WOW! All I can do is feel sorry for you. It is very bizarre that this personal attack is your reaction to my post. I find it very sad that you resort to this. I hope you somehow get better for whatever you are suffering that causes you post something like this.

01-27-2017, 03:54 PM
Something like poker that is stressful by nature might not be good during anxiety recovery because the body will struggle to distinguish the increased heart rate etc as being "part of the game". Same goes to avoiding stimulants or doing intense exercise which increases the heart rate. If it mimics anxiety the body can easily get confused so it may be best to stay away from poker in that regard. If you're avoiding it for irrational reasons, being around people for example, like PanicCured says its best you just go ahead and do it anyway!!

Yeah you are right! I guess I should have explained that, but my post was already too long. Of course, avoid stimulants and things like that. I mentioned that in my other posts. Of course don't drink 5 coups of coffee and then work though the anxiety. But I used an example like shopping. Some people avoid going to do simple everyday tasks because of anxiety, waiting for that right time when their anxiety gets better, to THEN do it. But anxiety gets better when you do those normal things, instead of retreating to your safe space, and working through the anxiety.

01-27-2017, 06:34 PM
WOW! All I can do is feel sorry for you. It is very bizarre that this personal attack is your reaction to my post. I find it very sad that you resort to this. I hope you somehow get better for whatever you are suffering that causes you post something like this.

Not sure if referring to me or OP but it doesn't matter. Are you a fan of Ayn Rand by any chance PC?

01-27-2017, 06:48 PM
Basically, instead of thinking you must get better first before you can live a normal life, you get better by forcing yourself to live a normal life to the best of your ability, and working through the anxiety while doing that. It is different from having a fever or being sick, where you have to rest and get better before you can do stuff. With anxiety, you get better by doing normal stuff and working through the anxiety.

Meh. Can't really argue, but really basic stuff..

01-30-2017, 08:15 AM
While I agree that avoidance is a horrible coping technique (been there, done that, still doing it) - after 20 years it is easier said than done. That's why we're all still posting here on this site.

01-30-2017, 04:48 PM
Meh. Can't really argue, but really basic stuff..

Yeah it is all REALLY basic and simple. People over complicate the whole thing!

01-30-2017, 04:48 PM
While I agree that avoidance is a horrible coping technique (been there, done that, still doing it) - after 20 years it is easier said than done. That's why we're all still posting here on this site.

It's a process. You keep at it.