View Full Version : I am having Anxiety disorder post my divorce from last 8 months.What must be my prob?

01-21-2017, 07:44 AM
Before marriage i felt some problems with me, but not able understand wats it about.

Post divorse I found lot about myself.. And now i need all urs help.

Symptoms -

When i do masturbation and go to wash my hands and p***s, later i find if my wash is not happened correct Or not, i mean all sperm from my body is washed properly or not. In case the washing doesnt happen the exactly way i want or somewhere i feel it has remained on my body parts or hands then that thing remains in my mind, untill i wash my hands and body parts again.
Or In case when washing doesnt happen correct and if i touch any object or things around me like pen, laptop, my shirt, door handles anything I feel My hands sperm got tranmitted to that thing or any object.
The next day if i touch it , i feel am again infected or my hands have those sperms still. My mind gets confuse. Slight imbalance in thoughts, later i try to wash my hands and all things that i feel have sperm touch on it. Also post divorce I had anxiety at its worst. M on medicine. that have reduced my anxiety symptoms. But i want to knw what problem i m facing as mentioned above from beginning??? plz help

02-01-2017, 11:05 AM
Have you ever talked with a therapist about how you feel? You are clean but you do need to clean the objects you have touched if you haven't cleaned yourself but it seems you have but it does sound like you have an issues with self relief and that's okay I guess but it also sounds like you are OCD about the sperm causing some kind of illness or you are feeling dirty about yourself doing it.. I would talk to a sex therapist and see what they have to say.

02-02-2017, 12:44 AM
Thanks for your valuable thoughts. I also feel same I have OCD regarding Sperms like dirt ( not able
to handle it by my mind properly) i will visit soon therapist to tell all this. Also m interested in CBT. bcoz rite now i have
studied myself and found that i have Anxiety disorder and OCD symtons.

02-02-2017, 07:54 AM
CBT is suppose to awesome I would like to have CBT also. You can study yourself I have for around 17 years now and I have seen many therapist and counselors , I take my meds but I am not healed by a long shot I have had some good times and then when bad hits wow.! Good Luck you will be okay so first work on what you can try and change slowly okay.