01-20-2017, 03:35 PM
What do you do when one of the triggers for gad is worrying about your child? Aside from my own health issues, my daughter has her own which resulted in serious abdominal surgery when she was 11...she is now 19 and still battling. In addition we have moved countries twice. This she has had two hospital admissions, and my dad has had two mild heart attacks. I have been told distraction. My mind is always on how to help her. On the other hand I feel we are too enmeshed. My son and husband don't really get involved with her. their own world. I have had bad side effects having to take my own meds...which I dont take all, causing strain on heart and lungs...I have become too scared of the effects. Now scared to take meds for anxiety/sleep. I may need to because one of the side effects of vasodilators is insomnia! So my question is what could be helpful? There are many against meds on this forum which I understand because I am not so sure of them myself. My exercise capacity is limited at the moment..I had to do cardio pulmonary rehab with oxygen in tow. Don't use it at home though. Have meds been effective for anyone? Do they zone you out? Any advice?