View Full Version : CT Scan worries....Have you ever had one?

01-02-2017, 03:57 PM
HI everyone,

I am relatively new to this forum, I used to be on the old anxietyzone site, but I guess it got shut down

Anyway a big fear of mine has resurfaced. I was fine for a couple of years, but hypochondria has come back again. I am worried about the 2 CT scans that I had done in my life. One in 2007 when I was 18 for my head, and another in 2010 when I was 21 for my abdomen/pelvis. (I had to have my appendix out). I am worried that these 2 scans can significantly increase my risk of developing c****r down the road. I did all the math, and it works out to about 17 millisiverts of radiation total from these scans. From the research I have done, this does not seem like a lot to be exposed to, but does anyone have any insight on this. Is it a big risk? I;m just so worried about it.

Have you ever had an CT scans? How long ago?


01-02-2017, 04:43 PM
Are you having a CT scan to check for the HIV you caught when your gf caught it having a test or the time you caught it in the public toilet and your dick may or may not have touched the brown liquid that may or may not have been blood?


01-02-2017, 05:56 PM
Are you having a CT scan to check for the HIV you caught when your gf caught it having a test or the time you caught it in the public toilet and your dick may or may not have touched the brown liquid that may or may not have been blood?


That's not rude at all...

01-02-2017, 06:04 PM
Are you having a CT scan to check for the HIV you caught when your gf caught it having a test or the time you caught it in the public toilet and your dick may or may not have touched the brown liquid that may or may not have been blood?


Wow, yeah very rude! But I don't think there's anything to worry about. If it was risky they wouldn't let people do it. I've been x-rayed plenty of times and had an MRI in 2015.

01-02-2017, 07:53 PM
Hi wingo,

Recovering health worrier here. Take it a day at a time. Follow your doctor's opinion. Your doc wouldn't let you get a CT if they feared you'd have an especially elevated risk of the big C.

01-02-2017, 08:57 PM
Hi Wingo
I have had at 4 in the last 6 years, and my first one was around 24 years ago for Lupus lung inflammation, and more recently serious heart/lung issues. On top of the various scans, x-rays and angiograms/right heart catheterisations I have had, the meds I take ( Immunosuppressants are one of them) also have cancer (liver and melanoma)as a side effect, and yet thankfully I am cancer free. I have asked many times about the effects of regular scanning and have been told repeatedly it is extremely low. Your risk may be more if you don't scan maybe? Easy to say don't worry. Hope for the best for you.

01-04-2017, 01:00 PM
Hi Wingo
I have had at 4 in the last 6 years, and my first one was around 24 years ago for Lupus lung inflammation, and more recently serious heart/lung issues. On top of the various scans, x-rays and angiograms/right heart catheterisations I have had, the meds I take ( Immunosuppressants are one of them) also have cancer (liver and melanoma)as a side effect, and yet thankfully I am cancer free. I have asked many times about the effects of regular scanning and have been told repeatedly it is extremely low. Your risk may be more if you don't scan maybe? Easy to say don't worry. Hope for the best for you.

Thanks for the excellent answer Barb!

01-04-2017, 01:45 PM
I agree with Barbara. If you think about radiation exposure, flying in an airplane and screening at airports
has radiation exposure. We are also exposed to radiation in everyday life.

01-04-2017, 03:49 PM
Your welcome Wingo..I can understand your concern. I hope everything goes well for you.

01-04-2017, 05:28 PM
Your welcome Wingo..I can understand your concern. I hope everything goes well for you.

Yeah haha

If you dont mind, what areas of the body were those last scans for? Abdomen, lungs, ?

01-04-2017, 08:14 PM
No worries wingo...I have had so many I have to think... 5 ct chest (to look at lungs), 2 vq scans (also lungs), 2 brain scans, 2 thyroid scans, 2 bone density scans. Most had contrast dye. I have also had countless x-rays, ultrasounds, 1 lung bipsy, 2 renal biopsies and the list goes on. I have lupus that affected heart, lung and kidneys (pretty controlled now thank God), but I am thankfully cancer free to date. My first scan was around 1987, with a machine much larger and more primitive than what we have today.
If I may ask, what scan are you having done?

01-04-2017, 08:18 PM
Sorry correction...the brain scan was a scan of the whole neck and head...oh and just remembered a cardiac mri...that count?

01-04-2017, 08:19 PM
I was then 18, now 47.

01-04-2017, 08:28 PM
Now that I have remembered, In the last five years I have had the chest/lung ct scans, cardiac mri, 1 follow up thyroid scan, bone density scans and vq scans, plus x rays . ok, think my rusty brain has covered the question!

01-06-2017, 05:47 AM
I have never had a CT scan, but have had MRI's of the brain, abdomen, pelvis and neck over the years. CT scans are used quite often in ER's as they
are quick and accurate. MRI's take quite a bit longer to perform and more expensive.

01-06-2017, 08:50 AM
I've only had a CT scan once, though I was in excruciating pain from a kidney stone at the time so I didn't give a thought to any risk. I've had numerous x-rays as well, though haven't had an mri yet. I think these types of procedures are fairly safe since you are not having one every day obviously.