View Full Version : Help me come up with a good Affirmation, (and how to get myself to believe it)

01-01-2017, 09:56 AM
I have traced the most of my anxiety down to work, specifically how I work. I work 4-6 hrs a day. I get stuff done. My managers and my boss tell me they don't mind at all that I leave early. As long as I get stuff done. And they have told me again and again that not only am I getting stuff done, I'm getting a lot of stuff done. Sometimes even more then the lead programmer is getting done.

So i'm trying to put together an affirmation to mediate on that sums all this up. Today I came up with:

"The way you work is ok"

That just doesn't seem strong enough to me, but I can't think of another way to put it.

If I could get my self to believe that that the time and way that I work is ok, that no one cares about it but me, and to just let go of it.. then I think I could really free up a lot of anxiety. I just have a hard time with it.

Everyone else works 6-8 hrs a day. That is they stay at the office that long. People at my office work from home a lot. Who knows what they are doing at home, but it seems like everyone is getting tasks done at their own pace, and no boss manager minds at all. I feel guilty that I am leaving earlier than everyone else. But my managers have told me no one cares. They know i'm going to beat the traffic. They know i'm getting stuff done and not slacking.

How can get this into me. Meditating on a good affirmation seems like a good idea to me. I had just been doing mindfulness meditation everyday, but maybe i should switch to meditating on a good affirmation.

01-01-2017, 10:00 AM
I am happy
I am healthy
I am free from danger
I have easy of being
That's mine, it helps a lot. When I am very upset and the internal shaking starts I start from this. Repeating it (you may make your own phrazes) will program your mind to calm down, This is why affirmation are a part of meditation and they do work :) Happy new year, may the year bring you health and happiness

01-01-2017, 10:17 AM
The real question I have is what specific affirmations can I use to tell myself that the way I work is ok, and that I should not worry about it. I work differently then most people, but it's really ok. Its nothing that I should be worrying about. Really to but it bluntly i wish I would have the attitude of "F work" .. and not even case what work thinks. But I know what work thinks. They think i'm doing a terrific job.

01-01-2017, 05:16 PM
oh I had the same wish as you to us F word for everything, but it is not working. I gave you mine affirmation, not to copy but to give you an idea, it is pretty simple, use something you scared of or something you desire ....... For years I took few minutes to look at the sky, it calmed me down :)

01-01-2017, 08:14 PM
"The way you work is ok"

quick aside, the standard would be to say
"the way I work is ok."
"you" seems like you're talking to someone else, but whatever works best for you of course...

anyhow, here's what I would use if I were you, but if you use it, you should tweak this so it feels authentic to you. use your own words.

I'm a hard, conscientious, and talented worker.
I get my work done effectively working at my own pace.
I have my own work style that works best for me. I don't need to adopt someone else's style to be good and successful at my work.


now some people like simple affirmations they can easily remember. these are more detailed and you'd probably want to write them on a card and read them to yourself. again, do what works best for you and feels authentic.


as far as getting yourself to believe it -- we all have trouble at first. that's why we do this, we're trying to change our beliefs! but remember "fake it till you make it". you will strengthen your mind though the repetition of saying the words. neuroplasticity will do its thing. you already know these things are true. in time they will feel more authentic and you won't be "faking it" anymore.

01-02-2017, 06:25 AM
Fashoom as it is very elegant you need to make it short and meaning
What you doing here is replacing bad thought with good once, you are training your mind and this is too long, you use commend precise and short, so you can use it without thinking