View Full Version : Little help?

10-31-2008, 12:18 AM
Hey so this is my first post. I got my first panic attack back in february, on a cocaine binge. I have since cleaned up, i drink occasionally, whatever. I am 20 and have always been a funny, normal kid. Anyways, my brother is paranoid schizophrenic. Meaning i have about a 10 percent chance of having the illness. My therapist has told me that I am fine, and I try so hard to believe her. I'm somewhat relapsing back into this thought process, and i feel as if i'm going to onset the disease if my thoughts continue to go the way they are going. I was on klonopin back in march, they tried me on celexa, buspar, etc. I am now off meds, trying to conquer this on my own. Anyone have a similar situation? I need support to tell myself that i'm not the only one.