View Full Version : Constant pounding heart

12-27-2016, 04:29 AM
Hello everyone!

My name is David and I am 25 years old. My anxiety started in October and this is my second post.

Recently, my anxiety level has been lowered and I don't have major "panic attacks" anymore but I still feel dizzy and lightheaded all the time.

Just lately, I can feel my heartbeat very strongly throughout my body 24/7. Even when my resting heart rate is normal. It's like I am just sitting here all quiet and i can feel and hear my pulse n my stomach, in my chest and in my throat (wtf lol). Sometimes it's so strong that it can be seen through my clothing. Is anyone else experiencing this?

12-27-2016, 05:01 AM
This is anxiety. You have become hyper aware of your heartbeat which is something you usually never think of at all. The more you think of it the more your anxiety increases and pumps more cortisol and adrenaline in your bloodstream which makes your heart pound faster... And round and round you go.

I made myself get u out of bed as I couldn't sleep too well last night and even my dreams were anxious
I feel ok but I have do much buzzing in my head right now. It is just anxiety I know but as long as I am aware of it it gets worse. Once I go to work and forget about it it'll go away. It'll be the same for you if you can get your mind off it you'll see.

Get out of bed and move around, relax your body, do something else to occupy your mind. Remember as much as anxiety sucks it won't kill you. Hope you can relax and have a good day!

12-27-2016, 07:41 AM
Sounds like anxiety to me also. At 25, your chances of a heart event are extremely remote. If it starts interfering with your
daily activities, than I would contact your physician.

12-27-2016, 10:43 AM
In my experience with anxiety I have felt very similar heart sensations. In fact sometimes it gets so bad I feel like my chest is closing in on itself, but that is more geared towards a panic attack.

For me the biggest thing that helped this was cutting out caffeine. Caffeine can dramatically raise your heart rate at the time of consumption and for hours after.

Also focusing on it which it sounds like you are doing is only going to make it worse. Anxiety thrives on your attention.

12-29-2016, 01:10 PM
I am going through the EXACT same thing you are right now! Although mine is not 24/7 it is quite often! I've had 2 EKGs and blood panels done on Halloween this year as I had a panic attack that sent me to the hospital. Although they say everything is fine, when I get that sensation and my heart feels like it's racing I can't not think something else is going on. I've always been dealing with GAD and Panic Attacks since 2007 and I am 27. The likelihood that there is something physically wrong with me is obviously slim. However when these episodes come on it causes instant awareness and mini panic sets in. Sometimes it manifests into a panic attack. You're not alone, and I am actually going to start back with my psychiatrist instead of nurse practitioner for this event that's going on with me.